God Damn I Hate Editing Drumz!

Try putting a transient designer in front of the ApTrigga to make those drums pop, giving you an easier time to work with the trigger settings. Digital Phish Phones has one called Dominion at no charge.

Yea, I've actually been using dominion on a few of the tracks, depending on whats triggering well and what isn't. I'm starting to roll along now, it just sucks because I'm only able to work on the project in short bursts of an hour or two or so, because of my day (night) job and everything else.

I'm actually cutting the snare tracks into 3 different tracks each with it's own aptrigga preset, so I have one for all the hard hits set to random and a fairly high threshold, one for intermediate hits to help with rolls and flams set to a lower threshold, and one for soft hits for the soft double stroke rolls. Seems to be working a lot better than trying to use one aptrigga to try to capture everything. It also seems to require a lot less editing of the waveform to avoid false triggers. I still have all of the original tracks going as well, so I can blend everything later during the mix without having to mess with the different aptriggas which are all set to 100% sample.
I actually just bought some drum triggers, that I'll be running into a firepod (no brain) which then goes into my RME Fireface just to record the "splats" so later on if I choose to aptrigger the toms kick or snare, it's much easier to trigger those tracks, instead of mic'ed tracks due to mic bleed. I've been doing this with a snare trigger for awhile now, and it really helps to just stick the ApTrigga on that triggered snare track rather than mic'ed track which is why I decided to run triggers as well as mics. I know it doesn't help you out with your track now, but it might be something you can consider in the future.

Also, if your songs were recorded to a click track, ApTrigga has a pulse (or a transient generator) that you can use to make the ApTrigga work on a seperate track for kicks or snares. Not sure if you tried it or not, but it might be worth a shot.
Good idea ElektricEyez! :headbang: Somtimes I want 100% triggered sample for blending purposes and if the drummer aint wacking his snare the triggered snare can sound a little lame so this will hopefully spare me having to tab to transient and paste ect. Why doesnt aptrigga have the option of turning off the dynamic function so that it can trigger at 100% velocity if required? :cry:
I spose it might have been designed for musicians!.
Just give it a splat with a Smart C2, you'll be fine however faffing incompetent the drummer is.:Smokin: