God Damn Motherfucking Shit Out The Ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am fucking PISSED.

Me and my friend and my WHOLE FAMILY were gonna go up to Va. so me and my friend could see Hypocrisy and Soilwork perform at the Jaxx. On a Saturday, so only one day of school would be missed. Come to find out, however, that they moved the fucking date to Wednesday, so now everything is all fucked up!


And I was gonna meet RIP50 and CreepinDeath66 face-to-face and it was gonna be cool!

Obviously, this fucking pisses me off. Guys, the only solution I can come up with is going to see Virgin Steele the previous Saturday on the 18th. They're pretty kickass, but not Soilwork!!!


And I'm now even hesitant to buy tix for Virgin Steele, they might switch the fucking date again, goddammit!!!

RIP50, CreepinDeath66, talk to me!

Very fucking pissed off,

this fucking bites ass man... FUCKING SHIT!!!
fuck you in the goat ass you cock sucking mother fucker.... YOU NEED TO LEARN HOW O READ A GOD DAMN CALENDAR YOUR FUCKING DUMBASS....


"fuck you in the goat ass you cock sucking mother fucker.... YOU NEED TO LEARN HOW O READ A GOD DAMN CALENDAR YOUR FUCKING DUMBASS.... "

you. fucking. moron.

could you not comrehend the ENTIRE THEME of this thread?!?
that they CHANGED the fucking date from saturday to wednesday?

go listen to vanilla ice some more, you dumb fuck
i doubt they changed it since they had immortal scheduled during that night... im guessing that you just fucked up and wont admit it... loser
you fucking dipshit, you have no fucking clue what you are talking about, do you?

you want to sound like you are on top of things and with much more sense than everyone, but you are really just a fucking loser who likes vanilla ice. i won't even try to explain again that the date was on sat. two weeks ago (not to mention that immortal wasn't even ON the list, or i would have wanted to see them. . .).

so shut the fuck up you ignorant bastard. you have no fucking idea what you are talking about, but you try to act like it.

You fucken maggots, go and see the roots of rock VIRIGN STEELE, then you soilworks can be judged...

Then you guys can sodomize EACH OTHER, AFTER THE GIG.

Evidently im on top of things more than you are, since it wa ME that told You that the concert was on wednesday instead of saturday....

at least i dont try to be twu all the time on the boards... then hang out with the fuckign preps at school, and wear turtleneck sweaters....
yeah, motherfucksr, i don't even own a fucking turtleneck sweater.

oh wait. . . you must be talking about that Nevermore "Dreaming Neon Black" shirt I wore Friday, or my Emperor or Megadeth shirt. . .

yeah, and i *pretend* to be true metal, when in fact, i bet i've been listening to *true* metal a hell of a lot longer than you have.

who is the one who wears slipknot and mudvayne shirts to school? huh?

face it, you are a fucking newbie. slipknot was your favorite band last month.

and as for hanging out with preps (as opposed to NO ONE), they have the hottest chicks (or would you rather prefer a skanky goth girl???)

In short: you are a fucking newbie to true metal, you've probably only heard about 5 songs by nevermore, and *ONCE AGAIN*, you pretend to know what you are talking about when you spout out band names in every thread.

you've got a long way to go.
you speak as though i am the fuck poser....

who got you to wear the fucking band shirts? I DID you fucking pansy.....

as for the "hot chicks" at our school all the preppy chicks are fucking whores, who you couldnt even get if you tried...
who between us has the girlfriend? I DO you fucking queer...

oh yeah, i forgot... what is it that you always wear with your fucking 3 band shirts that you wear? OLD NAVY PANTS AND SANDALS!!!!!! loser...

slipknot has not been my favorite band since 99 when their self titled came out..... and i havent worn a band shirt in months anyway... dumbass...

Just because your a rich little prick that owns 200 cd's doesnt make you twu either.... fucking cunt.... get over it.... ive been listening to shit like cannibal corpse, and dimmu borgir, and bloodbath, for years.... not to mention all the older bands that ilve listend to sicne i was little, like obituary.... you fucking cunt....
"who got you to wear the fucking band shirts? "
you obviously didn't know me last year, or the year before. once again, WRONG!

"who you couldnt even get if you tried..."
bullshit. i'm not gonna brag, but quite a few want my dick, proving, once again, that you have no idea what you are talking about

"who between us has the girlfriend? I DO you fucking queer..."
for the sake of not dissing your girlfriend, i will remain silent ;)

"oh yeah, i forgot... what is it that you always wear with your fucking 3 band shirts that you wear? OLD NAVY PANTS AND SANDALS!!!!!! loser..."

as opposed to your TWO?!? what a hypocrite! and they aren't Old Navy, you dumbass. at least i own shorts.

"slipknot has not been my favorite band since 99 when their self titled came out..... and i havent worn a band shirt in months anyway... dumbass..."

if i suddenly wore band shirts because of you, did you suddenly start getting into TRUE metal because of me?

"Just because your a rich little prick that owns 200 cd's doesnt make you twu either.... fucking cunt.... get over it.... ive been listening to shit like cannibal corpse, and dimmu borgir, and bloodbath, for years.... not to mention all the older bands that ilve listend to sicne i was little, like obituary.... you fucking cunt...."

this passage alone shows your utter stupidity.
i will give it to you: you ARE true metal. You have WON the battle! Not only can you spout off band names and insults, but you are a total hardheaded, unintelligent individual. A true mark of a true metalhead. ignorance and unintelligence, where intellectual thoughts and ideas come in the form of insults. also, that part saying that you've been listening to cannibal corpse since you were "little" only makes me laugh at your stupidity even more. maybe THAT is why you are so "true" today.

So yes, you are tue metal. you take the prize. you have expressed the essentials of a true metalhead: 1) the name-calling fallacy ( a no-no in an argument) and 2) the hypocritical statemnets not backed up by facts in any way, shape or form.

you are indeed worse than the sheep, the nu-metalheads, and the mtv generation.

you are true metal.
Originally posted by Rusted_in_peace50
haha SUCKS TO BE YOU!!!!!! guys what, i live maybe an hour away and i will be seeing them and meeting Creepindeath again. haha

dude, we can meet when we see Shadows fall/lamb of god June 1. its on a Saturday at the 9:30 club. should kickass...

kickass! i'll start working on my parents to see if i can go. . .