"you obviously didn't know me last year, or the year before. once again, WRONG!"
well seeing how when i talkig to you at the beginning of the year you didn twear them, and you told me that you didnt like to wear them, and it took me 4 months to talk you into wearing one...
"bullshit. i'm not gonna brag, but quite a few want my dick, proving, once again, that you have no idea what you are talking about"
now thats the bullshit... even if girls want your dick, they have to be whores, cause the only girls around where we live are the ones who have boyfriends, or me, you, or dustin havent dated
"for the sake of not dissing your girlfriend, i will remain silent"
damn straight you will, you wouldnt dis her, cause you know ild stab you in the fucking throat, plus you know shes hott...
"as opposed to your TWO?!? what a hypocrite! and they aren't Old Navy, you dumbass. at least i own shorts."
what are they then, american eagle, abercrombie and fitch?
i own panty of shorts, ive worn shorts several times this year... its dustin that doesnt wear shorts...
"if i suddenly wore band shirts because of you, did you suddenly start getting into TRUE metal because of me?"
ok i dont know how this response tied into your quote... but anyway, you didnt cause me to get into true metal.... you only met me when i was already starting to get into it more again..... if youll remember, i was downloading iced earth in plotts class when you dicovered i liked metal....
this passage alone shows your utter stupidity.
i will give it to you: you ARE true metal. You have WON the battle! Not only can you spout off band names and insults, but you are a total hardheaded, unintelligent individual. A true mark of a true metalhead. ignorance and unintelligence, where intellectual thoughts and ideas come in the form of insults. also, that part saying that you've been listening to cannibal corpse since you were "little" only makes me laugh at your stupidity even more. maybe THAT is why you are so "true" today."
your response shows your stupidity, if your gonna quote me , quote me right. i didnt say i have been listening to cannibal corpse since i was little i said ive been listening for years... you also have no proof to back up the rest of your statement.... you know me in real life, and you know im not unintellegint, or ignorant....
"So yes, you are tue metal. you take the prize. you have expressed the essentials of a true metalhead: 1) the name-calling fallacy ( a no-no in an argument)"
you always call me names, esspecially in arguments, even on other threads you have... and you call me the hypocrit? why dont you practice what you preach mister... and you should know all about preaching since you cant get enough of church you wannabe athiest...
"and 2) the hypocritical statemnets not backed up by facts in any way, shape or form. "
where are your facts, hippy?
so no... ill give you credit, you have been the only person who can put up an intelligent arguement against me on these boards...
even though you act so differently around me than these metalheads you envy, i would swear you have multiple personalities, and even though you spend a curiously large amount of time with dustin shever, you still are an ok guy. i understand you want to look cool in front of your little twu friends... since you dont have any real friends at school.
well seeing how when i talkig to you at the beginning of the year you didn twear them, and you told me that you didnt like to wear them, and it took me 4 months to talk you into wearing one...
"bullshit. i'm not gonna brag, but quite a few want my dick, proving, once again, that you have no idea what you are talking about"
now thats the bullshit... even if girls want your dick, they have to be whores, cause the only girls around where we live are the ones who have boyfriends, or me, you, or dustin havent dated

"for the sake of not dissing your girlfriend, i will remain silent"
damn straight you will, you wouldnt dis her, cause you know ild stab you in the fucking throat, plus you know shes hott...

"as opposed to your TWO?!? what a hypocrite! and they aren't Old Navy, you dumbass. at least i own shorts."
what are they then, american eagle, abercrombie and fitch?
i own panty of shorts, ive worn shorts several times this year... its dustin that doesnt wear shorts...
"if i suddenly wore band shirts because of you, did you suddenly start getting into TRUE metal because of me?"
ok i dont know how this response tied into your quote... but anyway, you didnt cause me to get into true metal.... you only met me when i was already starting to get into it more again..... if youll remember, i was downloading iced earth in plotts class when you dicovered i liked metal....
this passage alone shows your utter stupidity.
i will give it to you: you ARE true metal. You have WON the battle! Not only can you spout off band names and insults, but you are a total hardheaded, unintelligent individual. A true mark of a true metalhead. ignorance and unintelligence, where intellectual thoughts and ideas come in the form of insults. also, that part saying that you've been listening to cannibal corpse since you were "little" only makes me laugh at your stupidity even more. maybe THAT is why you are so "true" today."
your response shows your stupidity, if your gonna quote me , quote me right. i didnt say i have been listening to cannibal corpse since i was little i said ive been listening for years... you also have no proof to back up the rest of your statement.... you know me in real life, and you know im not unintellegint, or ignorant....
"So yes, you are tue metal. you take the prize. you have expressed the essentials of a true metalhead: 1) the name-calling fallacy ( a no-no in an argument)"
you always call me names, esspecially in arguments, even on other threads you have... and you call me the hypocrit? why dont you practice what you preach mister... and you should know all about preaching since you cant get enough of church you wannabe athiest...
"and 2) the hypocritical statemnets not backed up by facts in any way, shape or form. "
where are your facts, hippy?
so no... ill give you credit, you have been the only person who can put up an intelligent arguement against me on these boards...
even though you act so differently around me than these metalheads you envy, i would swear you have multiple personalities, and even though you spend a curiously large amount of time with dustin shever, you still are an ok guy. i understand you want to look cool in front of your little twu friends... since you dont have any real friends at school.