Goddamn you, Negurã Bunget

It blows.You hear parts where they're trying to sound like NB and have some potential, but then they break out into this standard black metal affair bullshit, and move in and out... ugh. A fucking mess. The whole track is confused, it doesn't seem like there's a firm grip on what they're trying to do or want to be.

It's official, RIP NEGURA BUNGET.
I am not digging these Dimmu type vocals either.

Maiestrit would have been a great way to bow out gracefully.
haha yeah this is not very cool. it lacks the fluidity and effortless feel of older negura. "forced" is right. some of the individual riffs and parts are very good but if this was another band, i would admit their talent but dismiss them instantly with a "what's the point of just COPYING NEGURA BUNGET" which is basically what this is. it's obviously a copy.

the mix SUCKS (assuming this is a final mix.) too compact and narrow, too compressed, doesn't breathe. not at all what i've come to expect from an album labelled "negura bunget" either.

Negru + bow out gracefully = does not compute.
see i don't really understand this attitude from people who don't know negru personally. can we all at least accept that we don't know shit about this conflict other than what's been filtered through official channels
see i don't really understand this attitude from people who don't know negru personally. can we all at least accept that we don't know shit about this conflict other than what's been filtered through official channels

Yea, for real. Everyone was quick to jump on the hate bus against negru and take the other band members reasoning as word of law- rarely are situations so black and white, especially with drama in the music biz.
Implying he is incapable of grace doesn't mean I hate him.

I do however think only a fool would disagree that a lot of the things he seems to do are shady/underhanded, AKA, LACKING OF GRACE AND/OR CLASS.

key word being "seems", you "know" that only because you've heard it from people who are now not his friends

he's done a lot of cool things too: negura magazine was interesting, he is an inventive and capable drummer and negura bunget was a very good band that he helped create
Negru no doubt is a tireless machine and has done a lot of good for the underground in general.
I just don't see how a drummer can carry on a band name, regardless if he owns it or not, without its key players.

i think all 3 original members were KEY to the overall sound and created something very original. They certainly did not sound like anyone else.

this new crew ... well like Ars said, it sounds forced.

i'm 6 minutes into the first song and everything sounds SO familiar

this is basically a ripoff of various parts of 'n crugu bradului. i kind of want to be nice to this because it's not "BAD" as such but all i can think of is how the new guys must have sat around studying old negura albums intensely like a textbook, and then wrote the album as a sort of exam
pulling it down now but based on that one track from yesterday I don't get all these 9/10 and 10/10 reviews everywhere.
The first two tracks (all I have time for) are pretty outstanding, albeit derivative of NB's past works. I don't quite understanding the bitching, this exceeds the expectations I had for the album by leaps and bounds. With an entire new ensemble they could have churned out some Eluveitie esque estro-metal, but it appears they have once again put out a solid release. If the album was total shit, Negru would be cast as a sellout, if it sounds like the band's previous works, they're plagiarizing themselves. Oy Vey, change your tampons.
After listening to the album, I stand by my first comments... the whole thing is just confused. It's like they wrote out the start and finish of a story, and then just filled the middle with a whatever they could grab out of a hat. Every song starts out with great potential, but then falls the fuck apart by the mid point by either A) Shit we've heard in the past from NB, B) Shit we've heard everywhere else.

And the strangest part of the album, with NB typically you'd judge the album as a whole and never by the individual tracks... they were written in one full fluid form. But with this album, each song seems to break itself away from any bit of fluidity in the album. All the songs have the same pattern but do not "fit" together. A traditional Romanian instrument build up, a bit of screaming with the guitars over that, some black metally stuff, back to the traditional instruments, rinse, repeat.

I will say it's not AS bad as I was expecting, but I really don't think I'll be picking it up.
I'll give this a spin later this evening with some headphones and try to put away my pre-existing cynicism for the while.