Going to the dentist in a couple days.


Oblique and Nebulous
Nov 1, 2005
Lakewood, CO
I'm really fucking nervous, because my wisdom teeth are being pulled out. The are two things about it that make it hard for me to face this. One is the fact that I'm only having two done that day, so I can't even feel relieved to have it over with, as I must return the next week and go through it again. Second, they are only giving me anesthetic injections, so I have to be quite conscious throughout the entire process. They won't give me gas or anything. Is it really all that bad? I know Warrel had quite an experience in August.
nah it isnt that bad you wont feel a thing only a bit of pulling...nothing scary at all on eating is a bit hard for the rest of the week after that its all over

oh and they are using stronger anesthetic then you get when the dentist needs to fill up a hole in your teeth

you seriously wont feel a thing, i have pulled 2 out and im not afraid for letting the other 2 being pulled, and thats from some1 who is afraid of needles and the dentist :p

i was afraid for the injection in my mouth but it wasnt such a big deal... i got 6injections but i told them i was afraid so they put one in and and waited a sec then the others so half my mouth didnt feel anything
when i got mine out, they pulled 6. i have that cleft pallete thing so they needed to make more room. and they pulled all 6 at once! not cool.. but that's just me
I really, really want to drink beforehand, even if it's just a few beers. Does anyone think quantity of alcohol matters in concern to how thin one's blood gets, or if just one beer would cause significant problems in clotting? Even a smaller quantity would help me handle it better.

And they won't gas me just because "they don't do that". Stupid, eh? The guy seems really old-fashioned, since he must be like 70. I think my hands are tied as far going to another dentist, as my insurance runs out very soon.
there is a reason they wont gas, i asked them to do that and they told me but i forgot.

i wouldnt drink alcohol if i where you because it bleeds too much afterward, believe me it isnt a big deal its over before you know it...i mean everybody is nervous for such a thing but most think it isnt such a big deal when they done it
I had four, impacted wisdom teeth pulled. All four hadn't even erupted from the surface because they were growing on their side. I had no pain from them yet, so I figured they were late growing in (I was about 24/25 at the time). Luckily on a routine dentist visit they were found like this from the X-ray. Left unchecked horrible pain, and would have made my teeth crooked as they were pushing on my others as they grew in.

A week before the surgery the horrible pain started. They did pull all four at once, and put my ass to sleep completely to do it. Although he had to make the incisions so large with me was probably the reason for putting me completely under. Maybe they just need to pull up yours. From other people that had it done that were erupted, they said it wasn't that hard. For me, The holes stayed for so long that I could not eat solid food for 2 weeks. But I had no pain because they gave me perkaset. (SP)

:D You will have friends bugging the shit out of you from all corners of the world if they give you that. Me, I hated mine and went to aspirin a week later (bad idea but at least I could feel normal again), I just didn't like how they made me feel. My Grandma nicked my left overs before the other vultures could win it. LOL. She was something else.

Have you asked if they could give you some gas at least to ease your mind? My best advice is take your first pain pill as soon as you leave the dentist before the injection wares off. If you do that you will feel no pain and go right to sleep when you get home. (If your pills say to eat something first bring a pudding cup, or jello cup to eat it before hand)
there is a reason they wont gas, i asked them to do that and they told me but i forgot.

i wouldnt drink alcohol if i where you because it bleeds too much afterward, believe me it isnt a big deal its over before you know it...i mean everybody is nervous for such a thing but most think it isnt such a big deal when they done it

I agree. You really need to clot and drinking will be real bad for it. That's why I wasn't allowed to take aspirin until a week later. He wanted to look at it before I tried that though.

I was put under with a good old fashioned yard long needle to the arm.
Had all four of mine yanked at one time. Local anesthesia, no gas. 20 minutes and they were done and sent me on my way. I took myself off of sick leave two days early because I felt perfectly fine.

Don't sweat it man. As long as they're just yanking them and not cutting, you'll be fine.
All mine yanked, anesthesia. I told the man I would not let him pull them unless he put me out. He did.
Here's to hoping you get a couple buxom wenches to help you to the passenger seat, like I did. :) It's the only time I smiled that day.
First of all: the top teeth are easy to remove and barely hurt at all.
It's the bottom ones that are a big issue...
don't "drink" before..... just go: get the numb shot, and I think they
give you a valume or a strong pain killer so you can go to bed and relax,
and then just take some pain killers....
worry not, friend, you'll survive.
I've never had mine pulled, but I've been on anasthetic as many times as I can remember and it's NOT cool. I've never felt more worthless and alone in my whole life than when I wake up from that shit and see my entire family smiling at me. It's weird and it sucks. When/if I ever get my wisdom's pulled, I'm going to request NO anasthesia.

Good luck dude, I've heard horror stories AND happy stories about wisdom teeth pulling.
mine were impacted and they had to remove jaw bone on the top to get them out. YES I have a big gaping hole in the back of my mouth after my last molars on top on each side, before the back of the jaw bone. It's just more surface area to brush *shakes fist* They had to do more of the same on the bottom but I don't have an abyss back there, I guess they didn't have to remove as much bone. And then I spewed blood for a few days afterward and then it healed up. Then one day a few weeks later I had some food that worked it's way down into my internal tooth void and I woke up one day with my face humongously swollen. YEAH