Going to the dentist in a couple days.

Damnit Derick, the whole time I was reading your post I was thinking "Wow, imagine how much amazing food he can shove into that cave in just one bite!!" and then I got to the last sentence.

just take a bottle of whiskey and tell them if they don't knock you out you will do it for them.

Seriously, that shit hurts and it's fucking gross feeling them and hearing them slowly twisted and ripped out of your jaw even if you don't feel the pain. Also I can't believe they aren't going to do it in one shot, what the hell is he lazy or something?
uh i dunno about you but drinking + anesthesia or whatever sounds like a really bad idea to me. i'm getting mine pulled out right before thanksgiving break so i get to sit around all drugged up with holes in my mouth over vacation fuck yeah! the pain and grossness isn't what i'd be worried about though, i think you're older so its worse and they said that its possible if your tooth is near a nerve they could hit it and you could have permanent nerve damage/numbness on one side of your mouth for the rest of your life, thats what i'm more worried about. they said it only gets worse and more dangerous as you get older so i'm not as worried but theres always that small little chance.
I was told that I badly needed to get my wisdom teeth removed....about three years ago. No pain whatsoever so far.
man get em removed before they fuck your mouth up and fuck with your nerves, no future problems + pain pills and chillin = more win than having problems.
I had my wisdom teeth pulled out without being gased. No big deal, it only starts hurting an hour or two afterward.
You'll go hiking through various parts of the world, but you're on the fence about something that will guarantee to help you?
Is there a relation? I'm actually looking forward to having them out so they never cause any problems while I'm out on a trip. And some people lose feeling in their mouth from wisdom teeth extraction, permanently. Something about nerves getting damaged.
The novacaine has worn off and it's pretty painful. They didn't give me any fucking prescriptions! Probably shouldn't be drinking or smoking though.
I feel a lot safer while hiking than in civilization...you've got crazy black men with guns and people who can't see driving.