Going Under...

Yea, I borrowed the title from one of my favorite new bands, but it's relevant. :erk:

This is the thing... we need to decide to pay Mark for more web space or not. It's only $80 per year, and that's a great deal. But, the thing is... I can't really take the lead anymore. (Duh, huh? hehe). Last year we split it 4 ways (thanks guys!) and I can go in for another 1/4 this year too.

Here's where I'm at... my life is going through all kinds of stuff... good, bad, all sorts of changes.... I don't wanna make ya all worry, I'm ok... but it's all changing, dramatically. In other words, as much as I've LOVED the IMG and the stuff we've done, I just can't remain commited to being the main guy. No shit, I know... I haven't been around enough, not that that's not obvious, and I'm sorry. All I can say is that I can't help it. Things in my life are rolling over faster than I can keep up. I love it and hate it at the same time. Alot of where I've been is getting thrown to the wind... might be good maybe not, I dunno. I wish I could tell ya where I'm gonna be later on... I don't honestly know. In any case, it'd be unfair for me to tell you guys that I can be the one to hold our awesome group together anymore. I want to. But, it's not really possible now for me to be sure.

I will be here. No doubt, I will be around and involved as much as I can be. That won't change no matter what. To put it flatly, I like you guys and you've kept me more interested in music and the spirituality involved around music than I've been in a long time. You're as touched by it as I am, and that's a blessing. You guys rock in more ways than I can thank you for. You make me want to make more music, and for that I couldn't be more grateful.

Anyway, I need someone to take over here...if anyone wants to. I have been neglecting our website and our activitities for too long. It's not fair to you guys, who've worked so hard, and if I saw an end in sight I'd stick with it... but, I don't... things for me are just getting worse, and I am hopeful that someone here can carry the torch and get this going again. I won't be able to accomplish that, it's that bad.

I'm sorry, as you guys deserve more than this. I had always hoped and wished that I could make this project and friendship all you or I could wish it would be. But, I just won't have the time to devote, as I haven't this whole year past, and I apologize for that let down. I've tried time and again to get the FTP working and other stuff, but I'm just drowned in real life stuff right now.

Well, this is the point... I WILL be here and I WILL participate and WILL be as active here as I can... I'd miss it too much if I weren't... but I can't be the IMG lead person anymore, as is evidenced by my lack of well, haha anything lately. I'm sorry again, but I'm very hopeful that one or more of you can take the lead.

I'm sorry for the sad sack stuff, but things just aren't too good for me right now. :ill:

I want this to go on, and be the ultra-cool thing it has been... (I still listen to our songs with a chill! =) )

Please let me know what you guys want to do. The IMG space doesn't cost much ($80 a year) here, and Mark has been more than gracious with our hosting. He deserves alot of credit for floating our idea, which has been a fabulous thing so far.

I don't wanna screw you guys around, I can only be around and involved so much now... I don't know what's gonna happen to me in the coming months. If one or more of you is willing to take the lead here, I'd be thrilled. I'll give ya all the passwords, etc that you'll need. And again I'm in for $20, a quarter of what Mark needs to keep hosting us.

Please let me know what you guys think... and as I always will... I appreciate you. :cool:

"My God, my tourniquet"... :zzz:

---Steve (EC)
Ec, I hope things get better. I too have been really struggling with the things life has thrown at me. Especially lately. Sometimes it seems like I can't find anything good to look forward to and it takes some serious motivation to face everything.

I could probably sum things up by saying that living in California is great if you have a couple of hundred grand a year to live on. Those of us who aren't even in the same ball park struggle and deal with some very real things and some very real choices, very limited choices.

The IMG is something I've always looked forward to being a part of and I'd like to see it stay around. I know I am not in a position to take things over but I'm willing to do what I can.

I think we have all had more than our share of bad luck and such thrown at us. I'm assuming that's the reason for the lack of new posts and projects. Life happens and what are we to do when it gives us stuff that we are struggling to deal with? Anyway, I'm sure something will work out.

If no one can step in and take over I'm sure we'll surface again sometime in the future!
Later Fellas!
Well...this certainly sucks...but I guess it was a long time in coming.

What exactly does the $80 a year buy us? FTP and website space? Is the BB itself free or is that a part of the package?

If we split it 4 ways again, is $20 too much to pay for the hope that things will get rolling around here again? Will things ever get rolling again? Should we just all move on and call it quits?

I dunno. Can't say that I've exactly had a lot of time to commit to such things. I barely even get down to play anymore.

I guess we should just take a vote and see if we can come up with enough interest. I'll go ahead and vote yes...I'll pitch in for one more year just to see what happens. I'll even volunteer to take over the administrative duties of the web/ftp site and the BB. I do have the time for things like this.

What I don't have time for is taking on a ton of projects, and other things like trying to get new recruits, making drum tracks..etc. I'll need help there.
:( I'm sorry to hear you're having problems EC.. I hope things work out for you! :)

I vote yes and I'll pledge $20 to the cause... I'll also try and help out with advertising for new drummers etc. There's no way I can make drum tracks though, not good enough!!!

How do I get the money to you Rabs?
well...it seems the decision is unanimous then....5 people all willing to chip in 20.
last year, I think we all pay pal'd Mark directly...but lets wait for EC to take the lead on that one.

EC..maybe you can send an email or something? Let us know.
Hello folks...

I apologise for the lack of 'action' on my behalf. But as EC said, life goes up and down.

I would be more than willing to participate in the webspace cost but as of lately I'm completely broke... But if you need any assistance with the website and such, I'll be more than glad to help any way I can. I could probably program some drumtracks too but as I've said in the past, I'm not a drummer... The actual recording thingy... Well, that's a bit more complicated. I don't have the equipment at the moment and I'm on limited Net connection...

I hope the IMG will rise again... Sooner or later.

PS Nice choice for a song EC. Btw, what does tourniquet mean? I've looked through dictionaries but can't find it... :B
Hey Eddy ... long time no see.

A tourniquet is (from dictionary.com)
A device, typically a tightly encircling bandage, used to check bleeding by temporarily stopping the flow of blood through a large artery in a limb.

I'm sure you know what one is...you just didn't know the English word for it. Its the device you use to stop severe bleeding from major arteries....can be as simple as a ripped up shirt or a belt or something.
Hey fellas. I'm glad to see you might be able to keep this thing going. I wish I were in a position to do more. I was lucky today to have a few minutes of time to check in here.
My home email doesn't work anymore but I believe my hotmail account is still active in case you need to contact me. I think some of you might still have that email address.

See Ya.
Yeah, the way things look we are going to be leaving this area and maybe the state soon if something doesn't change. I don't know what is going to become of the U.S. when it's becoming so hard to make it. We are broke as a country and continue to spend as if things were great. California, has really felt it ,but even still, refuses to stop it's over spending.
Eventually there will be a reckoning and I wonder what things will be like then?
rabies said:
well...it seems the decision is unanimous then....5 people all willing to chip in 20.
last year, I think we all pay pal'd Mark directly...but lets wait for EC to take the lead on that one.

EC..maybe you can send an email or something? Let us know.

I sure can Rabs, thanks. I had checked in a few weeks ago to see what was developing, but UM seemed to be having some downtime then.

I'm glad that you guys are still enthusiastic. :headbang:
I hope very much that together we can get back to work and maybe even get some projects started again. While I don't think I'll ever be able to put the time into it that I'd like to, things around here have improved lately. We've had to scramble and boogie a bit, but we're on firmer ground now I think. Anyway, that means that I'll have somewhat more time. :tickled:

I appreciate your understanding guys, and I'm actually a bit relieved. I was feeling torn between seeing our group fall apart with my lack of commitment, and continuing to struggle with getting things back on track with not nearly enough time to accomplish much. I'm very pleased that it's not going to all fall apart. :Spin:

I'll get in touch with Rabs with the info for the site, and I'll try to check in much more often to help in whatever way I can. I think I even have an unfinished track or two laying around we could work on, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

Cheers! :kickass: