Gojira - Free Willy Metal

So are these guys getting pretty big then? Being praised by Kerrang (on the link) would suggest so. Kerrang endorsements are generally not a good thing :erk:

I still haven't heard them either way.
this band has been praised everywhere ... only the tr00 metal maniacs don't like them
i for one am curious of how you would like them?
messugah my ass ... i hate messugah, but love these guys.

to me they sound like Morbid Angel meets Voivod with the energy of early Sepultura
Who the fuck compared these dudes to Meshuggah?! That's as batty as saying Isis sounds like Tool. :loco:
NADatar said:
Who the fuck compared these dudes to Meshuggah?! That's as batty as saying Isis sounds like Tool. :loco:

I think the production - how the record actually sounds - is similar to that of Meshuggah's.
Meshuggah sounds like you're exploring that part in the Matrix right after Neo takes the pill, Gojira sounds like cleaning your bathtub. AKA I really disagree.
Deadtide: "Off the bat I would say these guys remind me of a mixture of The Beyond-era Cult of Luna and older Meshuggah. The music is very jagged like Meshuggah but the guitar tone reminds me of Cult of Luna. The length of the songs also lends itself to Cult of Luna though Gojira's songs aren't nearly that long. They are however, quite bizarre as I'm sure you figured out. The bass sound also lends itself to Meshuggah, as it is quite crushing and high in the mix."

^Compared to two suck bands.

Digital Metal: "Think Isis and Neurosis-like ambience mixed with the almost the almost quirky jazz influences of bands like Mastodon filtered through an almost industrial-leaning interpretation of Morbid Angel-like death metal heaviness. Think Meshuggah with actual song-writing skills. I think you need this."

^Mastodon and Meshuggah (yet again) blow.

Tartarean Desire: "...whilst the breath of the dissonant insanity of Meshuggah seems to permeate intrusively many a time."

^ That band again!

Metal Review: "A thunderous and intrepid mixture of modern extreme metal styles. It's overlong in some points and underwritten in others, but there's brilliance here as well. For fans of Strapping Young Lad, Messhugah, Darkane, and Morbid Angel..."

^Three sucks and a goody.

Metal Observer: "GOJIRA possess distinct modern elements and can be compared to a host of peers. I hear FEAR FACTORY during the latter half of “Ocean Planet” and STRAPPING YOUNG LAD in “The Heaviest Matter Of The Universe.” MASTODON are included, too, as well as a production reminiscent of MESHUGGAH. The approach is uncannily similar to that of their predecessors, therefore “From Mars To Sirius” showcases a band neck-deep in aggression and MESHUGGAH-esque mind-fuckery."

^Sweet chocolate jesus, I rest my case.
douchebag said:
Think Meshuggah with actual song-writing skills.
Obviously clueless as to what Meshuggah do, therefore do not listen to this moran.

I see why people are comparing them to Meshuggah, it's like when ANY FUCKING BAND uses a time signature that is NOT 4/4 and they get compared to King Crimson. It's like rule #1 for lousy music reviewers who know jack diddly DICK about music theory. "Oooooooooooh this sounds complex, JUST LIKE KING CRIMSON."

This kind of shit makes me punchy. :mad:

EDIT: Okay I'm over it. :)

PyroMusic: "Incredibly, Gojira's sound isn't all that groundbreaking either. They've always rode that line between latter era Morbid Angel death metal patterns, the mechanical grind on Godflesh and the polyrhythmic, stop start groove of Meshuggah."
blood pressure going up!

Into Obscurity: "Imagine if Meshuggah knew how to write a cohesive song, and they teamed up with Isis or Neurosis to get a little more drone and feeling in their music."
do you always waste this much time doing research instead of just listening to a track? there are quite a few on their website ...
judging an album on one track is ludicrous speed. metal zines are there for a reason.

EDIT: listened to a sample. cant stand that stop/start nonsense for very long. sounds semi-meshuggah-ish. the comparisons are justified. not sure where neurosis or isis comes in here.
that's the one i heard. i admit there was a pretty cool section of the song, but then they started masturbating with their guitars with stop/start/weeeeeeeeeehhhhhhh on the guitar. I HATE THAT!