Good bass songs in Bb/Eb?


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

My Squier Vintage Modified Jazz Bass is with my tech at the moment, getting totally re-potted, copper shielded & re-nutted. We're setting it up for Bb/Eb to match up with a session I have coming.

I wanted to ask... what are some good songs for bass guitar in that tuning? I want to do a good DI test, to check out what this 'holy grail' of budget basses can really do.

Nevermore songs come to mind - but I'd really rather something that focuses on the bass, and isn't too fast & thrashy, but more groove-oriented.
Hey guys,

My Squier Vintage Modified Jazz Bass is with my tech at the moment, getting totally re-potted, copper shielded & re-nutted. We're setting it up for Bb/Eb to match up with a session I have coming.

I wanted to ask... what are some good songs for bass guitar in that tuning? I want to do a good DI test, to check out what this 'holy grail' of budget basses can really do.

Nevermore songs come to mind - but I'd really rather something that focuses on the bass, and isn't too fast & thrashy, but more groove-oriented.

Metallica's Load/reload is in Eb most of the time. If you're looking for a clean big bass tone.
I don't have good suggestions, and I'm not sure of all of them, but just in case :

Iirc, some hyptnotize/mesmerize from SOAD songs are in dropped Db if ever it's of any use.

Jimi hendrix

Motorhead (not really groovy but worth mentionning since the bass makes a lot of their sound)