Good controller for drum sampling?? M-Audio trigger finger??


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
Has anyone used the M-Audio trigger finger?? Is it a good choice for me?? I'd be using it with Drumkit from Hell and various other drum samples in songs.

Would I be better off getting a keyboard style controller?? Any suggestions and help are appreciated.

Hmmm the Axiom 25 seems like the best of both worlds. I'm not a keys player, but it would be nice to have them to add little parts here and there to songs.

Brett - K A L I S I A said:
Hey :)
Use the search function, I remember this thing has been discussed here before ;)

Thanks, I tried searching for what I need, but am still not really comprehending what I need.

Maybe I'm going about this wrong?? Here is the deal. I do home recording...Right now just a couple of guitar tracks. I am soon buying DFH Superior with a buddy so I can start piecing together real songs. Is it necessary to buy a midi controller?? Or is it just for convenience...meaning...I can pencil hits in if I want, but it might be easier to have the control surface at my fingertips, next to my keyboard...

anyone catch my drift?? If I don't NEED to buy one, I won't.

