Good groove metal

TBH, I didn't even realise there was a sub-genre of groove metal until about an hour ago.

Flicking around Wiki and one of the genres Sepultura was lumped in with was Groove metal.

Really liking Five Finger Death Punch, didn't really listen to them before now.
Throwdown sound ace as well, listening to some of their stuff on MySpace.

Obviously, DevilDriver. I really enjoyed the Chaos A.D. album and early Pantera. Mind you, it is Wikipedia so you can't trust it too much.

Keep it coming.
Obituary - Back From The Dead
Lamb Of God - New American Gospel
Exhorder - Slaughter In The Vatican
Superjoint Ritual - "Superjoint Ritual"

That's about it. Honestly, I wouldn't even bother with this genre.
ordinarily yes, but you are telling someone to steer clear of a genre which doesnt exist ... which is totally stupid. unless of course you are advising steering clear of all bands with a "groove" element to their style, which is also totally stupid, but for a totally different reason. your choice.
Whether it's a genre or a group of bands :)rolleyes:), I recommend against it because it contains largely shit material. Pantera, Lamb Of God, Machine Head, Damageplan, Devildriver, most modern thrash reunion/comeback/sellout albums, etc... it sucks, I wouldn't bother with it. The stupid thing is saying it "doesn't exist." Half-thrash and groove metal are widely used and recognized terms, we all know what they mean, so being pedantic over semantics in this case is idiotic.
Lots of slam death metal is groovy. Check out Carnivore Diprosopus, Human Rejection, Soils Of Fate, and Vomit Remnants!
Whether it's a genre or a group of bands :)rolleyes:), I recommend against it because it contains largely shit material. Pantera, Lamb Of God, Machine Head, Damageplan, Devildriver, most modern thrash reunion/comeback/sellout albums, etc... it sucks, I wouldn't bother with it. The stupid thing is saying it "doesn't exist." Half-thrash and groove metal are widely used and recognized terms, we all know what they mean, so being pedantic over semantics in this case is idiotic.

you've absolcompletotallyteutly (yes that's three words in one) missed the point. "groove" in metal is SOOO widespread, to recommend against it ALL is utterly fucking dumb. also, the bands you have listed there are simply shit bands. how is machine head any more "groovy" than say, the chasm? (short answer, they aren't).

re: your half-thrash/groove point, i have no idea what you are talking about.

anyway, on with the recommendations.
the bands you have listed there are simply shit bands. how is machine head any more "groovy" than say, the chasm? (short answer, they aren't).


I actually like all those bands listed :p So that's why I asked for recommendations. I love those kind of bands, and Wikipedia lumped them in groove.
you've absolcompletotallyteutly (yes that's three words in one) missed the point. "groove" in metal is SOOO widespread, to recommend against it ALL is utterly fucking dumb. also, the bands you have listed there are simply shit bands. how is machine head any more "groovy" than say, the chasm? (short answer, they aren't).

re: your half-thrash/groove point, i have no idea what you are talking about.

anyway, on with the recommendations.
Am I using too many big words for you or something? I'm not recommending against all metal with groove in it, I'm recommending against what is commonly accepted as "groove metal". Hence referring to the "genre" of groove metal. If you were to bother reading what Socrates has been saying in this thread, this genre is what he's referring to, not simply metal that happens to have groove in it.