The issue here is that women are being forced to "watch" the abortion take place as the doctor inserts an instrument into her vagina. The doctors cannot refuse....yes, these types of coercive methods are cruel and remind me more of medieval torture than anything else.
Maybe I'm speaking from bias here because I am adopted myself; but I am totally against abortion. The guy said that the law passed out is cruel and I agree... but I'm going to go ahead and throw in the cliche : abortion is fundamentally cruel act in itself.
I do believe that everyone has a right to life. If a mother is burdened with a child due to irresponsibility, then its her cross to bear for that and then she may give the child up for adoption after those 9 months or so are up. If a woman was raped, then yes, new issues arise, but to kill a baby with potential to develop into a healthy human being shouldn't be the solution.
Pro choice is simply assuming that just because the living thing (which has potential to grow, that is .... you cannot simply say eggs and semen are alive and throw them in the same basket as the foetus because they have different claims of potential) in the womb cannot speak out, that it has no say in the matter and it simply falls down to the mother because it's her body.
Gareth, you said that the adopted people you know are a bit fucked up in a sense; I think one cannot generalize. I know a handful of adopted people and they all turned out fine. It's all in the upbringing. The concern should be on those in charge of bringing up the foster children not the fact that they don't know their parents.
Back to the Oklahoma law; as somebody already said...if the intention was to dissuade women from going through with abortions then this is a fucked up way to do it; but then again I'm against abortion in the first place so I'm already against the act being committed in the first place. The doctors, on the other hand, I sympathize with completely; as for the mothers, they don't deserve such treatment, definitely not, but going through with an abortion is pretty vile in my opinion - (edited to rephrase).