God dude, what the fuck is wrong with you.

Girls under the age of 15 account for less than 2% of all abortions performed in the US. Less than 1% for rape or incest. 6% for health complications. 93% is due to just being a dumbass and not wearing a rubber or taking care of business with birth control AKA not in the plan.
But hey, lets just go ahead and base this whole argument on 8%. Fucking amazing argument you have man. Of course special shit should be taken into consideration but it shouldn't be the basis for the whole bang.
I'm in no way pro life, but for fucks sake man, try to come up with an argument that isn't completely fucked.
1 out of every 5000 parents (yeah, lol pulled that stat out of my ass, the earlier ones are real though) will probably beat the fuck out of their kids. Therefore every parent has to be an asshole.