Aaron Smith
Envisage Audio
Öwen;9062013 said:EH. If you were a woman that got raped and you had to look at a human byproduct of such a horrible experience that you had inflicted upon you practically every day for the rest of your life, you couldnt possibly see the potential for a bad emotional connection there?
Notice the bold type- that's where you're straying from my original intent. No pregnant woman (and not just a rape victim) should be, or is, forced to raise a child, so "had to" doesn't really reflect any real life situation. I was talking about a woman who, despite having to endure the trauma of a rape, sees the unborn fetus as a legitimate human life and thus willingly decides to birth it, and then even goes so far as to raise it. That is the only situation where a rape victim would be looking so the "human byproduct...practically every day for the rest of [her] life", and for a woman in that situation, I don't think there would be an absence of love between her and her child. I think for a woman to be raped, and to even just carry the child, is incredibly admirable, and raising it, even more so.
But to be clear, all I'm really trying to say, is that I think there's a naturally occurring mother-child bond that is present, even in the event of an ill-conceived, unwanted child...but if the woman wants to go so far as to raise the child, that's completely up to her.
Hope that clears it up.
STINNET asserted that the point on which people seem to diverge is the issue of potential, but I think the far more fundamental point of divergence, the absolute core of the debate (and I may be stating the obvious), is whether or not one believes that a fetus is a human being. I don't think he meant "potential to become a human", but rather "potential to live a reasonable life", but if I'm wrong, then I guess he was saying the same thing I just said

Anyway, I'm really trying to leave this thread alone, but it's hard when I get addressed personally.
I've always liked this Ronald Reagan quote though:
If you don't know whether a body is alive or dead, you would never bury it. I think this consideration itself should be enough for all of us to insist on protecting the unborn.