Good job christians in Oklahoma. =(

But women are going to have abortions anyway. Somehow. Women are going to make their own choices about what is moral and immoral from their own perspective, and their right to do that is the only thing that I'm concerned with.

This is the key here... Women are going to have abortions - I'd rather them have it in a clean, safe, medical environment than by whatever other method she would choose to DIY it or get someone else to basically DIY it.
I think we should extend the period when women can have abortions - up till the child is 18 years old.

Seriously.... fertilization is not life. It's a fucking sticky mess... that's all it is!
Again religion, government and male will impossed to women to spread their power onto the utero.

I'm 33 and I've seen situations in which I'd like to see you. Then, you can talk about what you understand and what not.

If you don't understand the right to free and safe abortion is simply cause you hadn't to deal with it, and you won't, EVER.

You can talk about morality and shit a million times and you won't get even close to what comes to mind of a pregnant women that's constantly attacked physical and mentally by the father that put some sperm and nothing else but misery.

I know very happy mums that had abortions before and believe me it would have been the biggest mistake in her life (in this case). She was being hit but she didn't want to report to the cops because of the possible consequences (she was afraid he was going to KILL her, cause she was told so). After she left him 5 years ago he's STILL stalking her. Imagine if a child was in the middle.

She was under 18 and very easily led but she had good friends like me who helped her to get out the deep shit she was in.

And this is not the worst escenario by far.

Finally, a little generalization: she proved that if you're a shitty person, nobody is gonna want a baby with you. If she has an abortion is MAINLY because of YOU. She had the baby with the right person, the one she really wanted, not the one that treated her like shit. She's really happy now.

So, stop talking shit about things "you don't understand" (quoting you) and let them (women) decide. They're gonna do it anyway, it has always been this way before and always be, despite the male will to spread their gens at all costs.
don't just do that man, im a christian, and i don't think this has to do with religion.


Don't kid yourself. Oklahoma's population is 82% Christian, once you add up the various sects.

This is simply Christian politicians forcing their beliefs on the population... constitution be damned. (pun intended.:heh:) It is somewhat similar to Taliban politics, where the rights of the woman are sacrificed to religious conviction. Mind you, not on quite the same scale, but the intent is pretty clear.

Personally, I'm staying the hell out of the abortion debate. I wouldn't presume to have the audacity to tell a woman what she can or can not do with her body. It's her choice, not mine. My own feelings are irrelevant.
I was saved by an abortion. (phew) Dodged one hell of a bullet.

I was dating this girl a while back who ended up getting pregnant. Yes, I used protection, it failed somewhere along the line or maybe she had something to do with it. IDK. Anyways, we decided that she would get an abortion. (it was a very shit experience) Within 6 months after she ended up in jail. See, I didn't know it at the time but she was addicted to cocaine. She kept it hidden. I had no idea. During the mentioned 6 months she turned into a full blown crackhead. (You know the type that crawl on the floor looking for that invisible rock) Then she drove into a old man, killed him and left the scene.

I can't say I regret the decision one bit.

The End
Don't kid yourself. Oklahoma's population is 82% Christian, once you add up the various sects.

I'm very sure of what i believe in, and i still think that what they are doing it's awful.

This is simply Christian politicians forcing their beliefs on the population...

Politics should stay out of "religion" beliefs. It sad that they dont.

Personally, I'm staying the hell out of the abortion debate.

me too, i've already gave my thoughts on the subject.
guilt. it's what's for dinner. the guy in the 2nd video is spot on.

so what happens when a lady gets raped and impregnated? she has to see the baby on an ultrasound? fucking disgusting.
to be honest, i dont see the point in this thread.

everyone will keep posting their views on the subject and it wont get anywhere nor will it change anyones views.

((just seems like another sturgis love/hate type thread, you either are for it or against it))
The notion that a rape victim who decides to raise her child will somehow have less love for that child than she otherwise would if the child had been properly conceived, is ridiculous. There are plenty of documented cases of women doing just that- raising and loving the child, but I have never heard of a woman keeping the baby, only to despise it and to be exposed to continuous emotional pain because of the existence of the just doesn't work that way.

This is a fruitless discussion though, so I'm done.

By the way, did anyone watch Aaron's pastor? I didn't, I personally can't stand him. :heh: I used to be subbed to that guy. He would never answer my questions and always deleted my comments. No, they where not rude.

Yeah yeah, keep bashing the guy, I know it's fun for you. He has a family with four children, literally pastors a real church (that I physically attend each week), and doesn't operate the YouTube channel as to why you feel so entitled to blame him directly for getting no responses, is beyond me.

Regardless of who operates the mhcseattle YouTube channel, and how kind your comments supposedly were...they realize that it's just as pointless for them to try to address your comments on YouTube, as it has been for me to address your comments here on the boards. It's pretty clear that any kind of religious discussion you might pursue would have absolutely nothing to do with your own personal humility or openness towards the subject, so stop fooling yourself into believing that endless arguing is somehow merited and that being prideful makes you worthy of their time.
The notion that a rape victim who decides to raise her child will somehow have less love for that child than she otherwise would if the child had been properly conceived, is ridiculous.

EH. If you were a woman that got raped and you had to look at a human byproduct of such a horrible experience that you had inflicted upon you practically every day for the rest of your life, you couldnt possibly see the potential for a bad emotional connection there?

I feel sorry for you if you really think that.
The notion that a rape victim who decides to raise her child will somehow have less love for that child than she otherwise would if the child had been properly conceived, is ridiculous. There are plenty of documented cases of women doing just that- raising and loving the child, but I have never heard of a woman keeping the baby, only to despise it and to be exposed to continuous emotional pain because of the existence of the just doesn't work that way.

This is a fruitless discussion though, so I'm done.

Yeah, when you're a raped girl you can tell me, till then, don't "think" "suppose" or "try to understand". Of course there always can be different cases but you have NO fucking RIGHT to judge their choices. And no man has.

Your perfect world is not perfect for everyone where everything can be measured with your own cheap morality MADE FROM MEN FOR MEN, so please, let them choose and don't judge them till you're are one of the victims.