Good metal albums/songs to drink to.

plfffffft said:
Most of the time when I listen to metal it either puts me in the mood to either thrash around and get hyper as fuck, or kill myself. So I was wondering what metal bands you guys like to listen to when you're getting shitfaced.

When I get shitfaced Accept's "Metal Heart" seems to find it's way into the player. I don't know why, but the intensity of songs like Up to the Limit, Too High to Get it Right and Wrong is Right get my blood pumping, but I guess that's not what you are looking for.
It sounds like you need some positive music if you have a depression problem. Dream Theater's "Images and Words" has a positive vibe to it. It is a great CD and one of the first "prog" CDs I got into. Tesla's first CD (I promise it doesn't sound dated) "Mechanical Resonance" is also a great CD as well.

On a side note: The Goo Goo Dolls "Dizzy Up the Girl" is one of my favorites when I am hitting the bottle hard. Yeah some might pick at that, but I say it proudly. Johnny Rzeznik has a killer voice, a killer guitar tone and writes great songs. He also writes very personal songs that relate to almost anyone, yet he manages a positive outlook on that CD.
