new to metal need some guidance

I guess you could make a case for Overkill, early Emperor, early Sodom and maybe Root.

I own albums by alot of those bands and I don't consder them bad or anything, but in a thread where you recommend bands to a brand new metalhead, bands like Witchfinder General, Impaled Nazarene, Inquisition or Artillery are at best tier 3.
That's not filler, that's called giving him something beyond the obvious.

You actually think Judas Iscariot is a great band that is an important part of metal history and had a big influence on the scene?

You're probably the first...
Judas Iscariot are the definition of pedestrian black metal, so actually it's not that retarded to recommend them to a newb.
I feel they're a good band with interesting music. Degree of influence doesn't necessarily add or detract from music's quality.

So, if you whittled your list down to a quarter of what you have now, would you keep those aforementioned bands?

Judas Iscariot are the definition of pedestrian black metal, so actually it's not that retarded to recommend them to a newb.

The fact that they are pedestrian makes them a bad choice to win over a neophyte to the ways of black metal.
Judas Iscariot are the definition of pedestrian black metal, so actually it's not that retarded to recommend them to a newb.
They're (don't know why I'm using "they", it's one guy, but fuck it) more so just a traditionalist outfit in my mind, if you wanna call it "pedestrian", so be it.
So, if you whittled your list down to a quarter of what you have now, would you keep those aforementioned bands?
No, because I'd have to get choosy. They're not essential, but they're not filler. I'm not just putting them there for the sake of putting them there, I find their music authentically interesting and worthwhile. So, why not let someone else give them a shot? If they like them, great, if not, oh well. It also depends on if by "aforementioned" you mean that whole selection Vilden rattled off.
They're (don't know why I'm using "they", it's one guy, but fuck it) more so just a traditionalist outfit in my mind, if you wanna call it "pedestrian", so be it.

I agree, traditionalist, but you can be traditional and also make the style your own subtly. I don't think Judas Iscariot did, but just to be clear I am a fan.