Good Sneaky Games?


May 31, 2004
Atlanta 'burbs
What are some good recent sneaky games for the PC?

I'm planning on picking up Thief III and I'm looking for another sneaky sort of game to get. Please nothing too modern, I'm bored to death with those types. Maybe something like a good WW2 sniper game or anything where you're focused on recon and stealth?

Try Baldurs Gate 2. You can play the Theives 'Assassin' class which allows you to creep in the shadows and back stab an oponent for up to 7 times damage! You can also poision your sword, knife etc - even your arrows. Another cool feature is trap setting. You can set a trap at a door, sneak into a room and backstab someone and if they survive and try to follow you the trap will finish them off!