Good Sounding National Albums recorded w/ LINE 6

God Forbid IV and Machine Head's last 2 I think used Line 6 Flextone II HD's for added thickness (even though the main tone was 5150).

i always wondered what the flextone head you can see in machine head's making of videos was used for. i'm not sure about TTAOTE, but the blackening to me sounds like 2 5150 tracks panned left/right to me, with the right track being rob and having a slightly brighter sound, which kinda leads to the conclusion that the flextone was used for clean stuff only.

any more detailed info?

on topic: i think illdisposed - there's something rotten in the state of denmark was tracked with a flextone I head IIRC. maybe also the cover album...retro IIRC.
I think the combination of high-gain tube head for dirty sounds and line 6 for cleans is pretty common (In Flames live rigs for instance). Wouldn't surprise me if that translated into more than a few recording environments as well.

Modellers can produce very decent results on clean/crunch, but the consensus seems to be they still struggle on the high-gain stuff.
Well, the only thing about the Machine head deal I know is that on the UK release of TTAOE, it came with a CD video of them tracking the album. It shows the 5150 and the Line 6 and Rob himself says something to the effect of "we use the Line 6 for extra bottom end, it pretty much sucks for anything else" or something along those lines, I don't remember for sure.

And, the God Forbid thing was more geared towards Gone Forever in which I read somewhere that they used it during tracking...In what capacity, I have no idea.

Also, it seems like I read somewhere else where when they recorded IV, when they went back with Eric Rachel and redid the solos or whatever, they reamped or re-tracked some stuff using different amps, and I could have swore I read Line 6 somewhere in the midst of the amp listing. On the DVD side of IV, it shows them tracking solos with Eric Rachel and you can only see a Krank - and I've read before that a Krank only ended up being used for one solo.

So, who really knows.

Tracking drums with Eric Rachel, doing the other stuff with Suecof and then back to Eric Rachel for re-tracking parts...The gear list seems like it would be bound to get confusing bouncing back and forth.
well this might come off a little lame but you could always check out my band at any of the links below on my signature and tell for yourself. this is release in Europe through Dockyard1 and we got some killer reviews and ratings from people and fans alike as well as some fair sales. AND it is heavy heavy metal like what most of us do here in this forum in our own studios anyway
Love Curran:goggly:
well this might come off a little lame but you could always check out my band at any of the links below on my signature and tell for yourself. this is release in Europe through Dockyard1 and we got some killer reviews and ratings from people and fans alike as well as some fair sales. AND it is heavy heavy metal like what most of us do here in this forum in our own studios anyway
Love Curran:goggly:

Awesome, Curran Murphy's on this board too! Interesting for this topic because i remember seeing you tour with Nevermore on the Dead Heart in a Dead World tour and jeff loomis had a pod+2:90 which sounded great. and i was drooling over the Ibanez S-series 7 string you were playing. That's show was my reference for buying a Pod anyway.

Shatter Messiah sounds good, That opening riff to Frailty is wicked.