Good Thrash

Currently on my "thrash" playlist

Dark Angel

No Megadeth or Metallica this time :Smokin:
Sabbat - History of a Time to Come

And eventhough they are not pure thrash but rather thrash/folk, I am going to recommend Skyclad. Anyone who does not like Skyclad fails at life.

Martin Walkyier (who does vocals on both these bands) is easily the best lyricist in metal I've come across so far.
Good taste in music there. :kickass:
Slayer101 said:
Has anyone heard the new Sepultura, Dante XXI, I really don't care too much for it. I gave it a couple listens, and it has a couple decent songs, but not one of their better albums.
im not a fan at all. imo everything sepultura/max calvelera sucked after Arise.
Heathen is a good band to add to all these, if I missed them being mentioned already. Pestilence - consuming impulse is another good album...old school death metal is pretty much thrash anyway.
Dreadful said:
Heathen is a good band to add to all these, if I missed them being mentioned already. Pestilence - consuming impulse is another good album...old school death metal is pretty much thrash anyway.

yeah Heathen it's a great band, i will like to add Exciter to the list

blimey said:
im not a fan at all. imo everything sepultura/max calvelera sucked after Arise.

Chaos A.D. it's a great album, it has really great songs like "Refuse/Resist", "Territory", "Nomad" and "Propaganda"
Exodus :worship:

Some awesome thrash albums of recent times

Mastery-Lethal Legacy (without vocals,insane riffs with even more insane drumming)

Exodus-Shovelheaded kill machine

Legion of the damned-S/T

Cool thread. Some of the mentions here had me grinning.

ADORED Annihilator's "Alice In Hell" when it came out. Still a great album. Generally, their stuff is so laughable vocally and lyrically that it's hard to listen to but Jeff Waters slays that geetar. I have a signed vinyl copy of that album and saw them on the 7th gig they ever played, I believe.

Playing along to Nuclear Assault's "Game Over" taught me how to play fast thrash riffs. Brain Death is fucking great. \m/

Demolition Hammer's "Time Bomb" is still a fantastic album. Shame they disappeared. Didn't the drummer die or summat? I seem to recall there was a tragedy that ended their career...

The Haunted are the best thrash band today, IMO.

Slayer? GHUA sounded so teenage and pointless it was embarassing. Diabolus was a better album. Has at least three great tracks ("Bitter Peace", "Stain Of Mind", "Point") compared to GHUA's one ("Disciple"). They should only allow Tom or Jeff to write lyrics. Kerry King's lyrics are as dumb as he looks. :lol: He wrote the majority of the new one so I'm a little worried there. Having Dave back is reqason enough to buy it, though.

Ok, enough opinion splurting from me. There's loads of bands I never heard of on here I'm gonna have to check out. :headbang:
NineFeetUnderground said:
sodom - agent orange
kreator - pleasure to kill
sepultura - schizophrenia
testament - the legacy
sarcofago - INRI

obvious choices, but in case you havent heard cant go wrong.
schizophrenia is a GREAT album, don't get me wrong, but beneath the remains or arise are better thrash albums by sepultura. schizophrenia was still a death metal album imo.
Slayer101 said:
Has anyone heard the new Sepultura, Dante XXI, I really don't care too much for it. I gave it a couple listens, and it has a couple decent songs, but not one of their better albums.
dante xxi is imo, the best they've done since max left, really enjoyable, and i'd just give them a thumbs up for doing a concept album.
neuroticandroid said:
schizophrenia is a GREAT album, don't get me wrong, but beneath the remains or arise are better thrash albums by sepultura. schizophrenia was still a death metal album imo.

well, your opinion to me is the musical equivilent of licking a horses rectum.
