Good Thrash

NineFeetUnderground said:
well, your opinion to me is the musical equivilent of licking a horses rectum.
well, which part of it? him liking schizophrenia or him liking beneath the remains more than schizophrenia? i assume the former. in both cases, i disagree.
I'm not sure, I'd refrain calling sepultura 'thrash'. I guess that in lack of a better label, that will have to do, but imo they dive into a territory that's a bit heavier and more massive sounding than usual 'thrash'.
Just found out about this band Evile, found out about it in one of the other forums. Kick ass thrash metal :kickass:
+Kreator, Overkill, and Sodom, I don't think I've mentioned these yet.
NineFeetUnderground said:
sodom - agent orange
kreator - pleasure to kill
sepultura - schizophrenia
testament - the legacy
sarcofago - INRI

obvious choices, but in case you havent heard cant go wrong.
sepultura - arise is also thrashy goodness
max's voice, although it has never been so great, is really horrible on schizo
Evile (once again)
Strikemaster (heard them on myspace)
Merciless Death (just got their newest album Evil In the Night :kickass: )
Municipal Waste (can't wait for their album The Art of Partying)

What if Opeth went thrash metal on their next album, that'd be funny, but interesting to hear.
I could suggest a few older ones but I think the latest Machine Head album, "The Blackening", is a pretty kickass thrash CD. Didn't like the previous ones.
yeah, I'm listening to THE BLACKENING right now, it's a good one.
so is Megadeth's United Abominations, better than The system has failed.
Martin Walkyier (who does vocals on both these bands) is easily the best lyricist in metal I've come across so far.

agreed 100% his lyrics on "Dreamweaver" are unsurpassed, incredible poetry and tells a compelling story throughout the album. One of the greatest thrash albums ever produced and no cliche (bay area) riffing at all.

Incidently, they have just re-released both albums with walkyier, dig remastered and are touring this year in the uk.

Andy Sneap once sent me copies of the cd's a couple of years ago as they weren't available on cd then, i emailed him from his website and he sent them to my address. I then met him in london by chance and he is a top bloke.
Thrash fucking rules till death, its one of my favorite metal genres. Some kings of the genre include Bands like Megadeth, Exodus, Testament, Kreator, Slayer, Destruction, Annihilator, Coroner, and Metallica.

Regarding Metallica...

According to new interviews with Metallica, they are trying to embrace thrash again and Kirk Hammet stated they had wrote some songs that are so fast it almost burned their wrists off. The two new Metallica songs that have been leaked have been deleted from the album, and they are tuning back to E. Lets hope they can fix that guitar tone though.

...thrash on Brothers...
If what Lars is saying is true, and the fact that Rick Rubin is producing, the new Metallica is becoming intriguing to me...and I stopped liking them after And Justice For All.
Oh shit, metallica? thrash again? back in the days of master of puppets? I hope this is fuckin true, probably not though.
According to new interviews with Metallica, they are trying to embrace thrash again and Kirk Hammet stated they had wrote some songs that are so fast it almost burned their wrists off. The two new Metallica songs that have been leaked have been deleted from the album, and they are tuning back to E. Lets hope they can fix that guitar tone though.

...thrash on Brothers...

Anyone who believes this is more retarded than Lar$. But i'm glad they deleted those two songs, they were garbage. Maybe Lar$ actually listened to his dad this time?
SOme hopeful reasons Metallica might not be so dead..
1.Guitar SOlos are back
2.Drum Snare sound has been fixed.
3.Rob Trujillo first album with the band.
4.New producer RICK RUBin (hopefully Rick remembers real metal.)
5.Melodic duel harmonies coming back
6.Speed Speed Thrash Thrash returns
7.Rob Trujillo said its" Master of Puppets meets the Black album".
8. THey are going back to their original tuning of E, should make Hetfields voice sound better.
9.The fear of Dave Mustaines revenge muhaha ha ha hah ah ah ahaa.