Got Banned

I completely forgot about Maiden Central. Another site that I came up with the name for. I'm so cool.

Annoyed that Temple of Rock, which pretty much launched Blaze's solo career (I like to think he was drowning his sorrows after his Maiden gig ended until he found out about the site and decided to finally get out of bed and do something with his life), was never thanked in Silicon Messiah... but I did receive an email from him, and when I announced I was closing the site he thanked me again in a forum post. So that's something. :)
But anyway, here are the flyers I was talking about.

The official one we were given:

And the one MD had printed up:
And while I'm at it, here's the total advertising that I saw for the FOTD tour.


Actually, that's possibly a lie. I may recall seeing a tiny little newspaper ad somewhere as well. I bet I've still got it somewhere...yep! It's the same as that, only more squashed and says "ON SALE TOMORROW" on it. So there you go.