Got Banned

I got my BNW Eddie tatt from that first flyer, tatt artist did it freehand and upsized, amazing fucking artist, dunno what shop he is in in Canbera, but go asking for either Womph of Kiwi Warren
And while I'm at it, here's the total advertising that I saw for the FOTD tour.


Actually, that's possibly a lie. I may recall seeing a tiny little newspaper ad somewhere as well. I bet I've still got it somewhere...yep! It's the same as that, only more squashed and says "ON SALE TOMORROW" on it. So there you go.

i has big one of those on the wall behind me. Oh and it is autographed :)
haha, this thread has taken a life of its own, thats awesome as I was just having a drunken bitch.

Southy I really want to see your tat too mate:)

Great work on to those involved in BNW promo, you really showed up the record company on that one. I reckon Maiden owe you guys something.