Got in a car accident last night


Shred it
Sep 18, 2010
Salt Lake City, UT

I was in the passenger seat. My buddy was turning left onto the highway and it was left turn yield and he didnt see the car coming, hit my corner. This was last night. I'm pretty sore and have some marks on my face and my right ear sounds kinda blown like it i went to a concert but I'm sure it will heal. I have a pretty bad headache though. No mixing for a week, which SUCKS because I had a bunch of shit to do this week. Oh well.

We were blasting some killswitch and the music shut off right went the car hit us, then about 5 seconds after the accident howards voice came booming through the speakers again. I don't even know how to explain it, it was straight out of a movie or something.
It's good to see you had not much injuries, a guy I've used to know had a car accident two weeks ago, and he is not gonna wake up from his coma... Life is precious.
You're very lucky. But always go to the doctor and do it soon!! just in case lawyers start getting involved. Whiplash can sometimes take a while to set in. I know i didn't start feeling it til almost two days after the accident. Also, count your blessings.