Got my first Children of Bodom tattoo!!!

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Looks great:) Gotta love metal inspired tattoos. Here's mine:
I'm sorry is there a problem? If I didn't post it in the right spot or whatever, I'm to the site..
The Opeth tattoo is better because you can easily just cut your hand off. I would do it without anesthesia if it was on my hand, just so I remember not to do it again. If there were no sharp things wround I would just chew off the pieces of my hand that the symbol is printed on. As for the Children of Bodom tattoo, things would get quite tricky. I guess I would ask someone with a combine harvester to run me over few times to get the fucking piece of shit off. Again, without any medicaments so I get it printed in my brain to not be a fucking cunt again.
That might be the best Onder post I've read in a long time. Also, this thread has enormous potential to deliver.
I wouldn't worry about it ajhart....from what I've seen in this forum as a guest, there are a shit load of assholes and elitists who think their shit doesn't stink.
The Opeth tattoo is better because you can easily just cut your hand off. I would do it without anesthesia if it was on my hand, just so I remember not to do it again. If there were no sharp things wround I would just chew off the pieces of my hand that the symbol is printed on. As for the Children of Bodom tattoo, things would get quite tricky. I guess I would ask someone with a combine harvester to run me over few times to get the fucking piece of shit off. Again, without any medicaments so I get it printed in my brain to not be a fucking cunt again.

@Onder- LOL! You sir, are the reason why people stereotype metal heads as being uneducated douche bags. Thanks for making us all look bad. God I love people like you who get social validation from creating seemingly witty and snide remarks aimed at strangers via the internet. Something tells me you haven't gotten laid in a very long time. Also, in reference to your "cunt" comment- (so overdone by the way...cunt, really? God you're creative!) If we're using the English language properly, which I like to as I'm not a dumbass, no, getting a tattoo doesn't make me a woman's genital. Thank you though, for investing the time to write that...gave me a good laugh!

@Balls & Arne- thank you guys! Means a lot to me. And I really am proud- what it represents for me is what got me through my darkest times in life, and I am thrilled that I'll get to carry that with me for the rest of my life:)
@Onder- LOL! You sir, are the reason why people stereotype metal heads as being uneducated douche bags. Thanks for making us all look bad. God I love people like you who get social validation from creating seemingly witty and snide remarks aimed at strangers via the internet. Something tells me you haven't gotten laid in a very long time. Also, in reference to your "cunt" comment- (so overdone by the way...cunt, really? God you're creative!) If we're using the English language properly, which I like to as I'm not a dumbass, no, getting a tattoo doesn't make me a woman's genital. Thank you though, for investing the time to write that...gave me a good laugh!

You ought to try not getting offended by criticism and accepting the fact that some people will find some of the things you do ridiculous.
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