Got my first Children of Bodom tattoo!!!

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I'm certainly not offended:) I've got big brothers and my favorite show is South Park, I don't think it's even humanly possible for me to get offended. I just find it particularly enjoyable to put assholes in their place:)

And I didn't realize showing off my new tattoo was ridiculous? But hey, to each their own!
You didn't put anyone "in their place" -- you just got defensive when you were ridiculed, and then pretended you somehow won an argument against them.
I'm certainly not offended:) I've got big brothers and my favorite show is South Park, I don't think it's even humanly possible for me to get offended. I just find it particularly enjoyable to put assholes in their place:)

And I didn't realize showing off my new tattoo was ridiculous? But hey, to each their own!

There is absolutely nothing in this world that all people will agree on. And yes, people like to sit behind their computers and talk shit, but put those same people face to face with someone and it's a totally different story.
Good god, being on this board is like being in dance class with a bunch of dramatic girls all over again haha all I have to say is fuck yeaaaah bodom!!!!!!:)

I also didn't intend to act defensive, do I not have a right to stand up for myself? I'm not a little bitch haha I don't like letting people walk all over me.

Point is, I love metal. I wanted to share my love with other people like me. Some respond positively, some don't. That's totally cool.
I'm right there with ya aj. There seems to be a lot of cool people on here. Others tend to go overboard in the asshole department. Sometimes a simple "I disagree" would suffice, but they go on and on with how you're a mother fucker for liking this or that....I wouldn't worry about it, that's just how it is around here.
Haha good to know zepp, thanks for the warning! And I couldn't have said it better myself...oh well, that's life I guess...there's always gonna be assholes. Fortunately, I've already talked to a few super wicked people on here! I guess that makes it worth it:)
I also didn't intend to act defensive, do I not have a right to stand up for myself? I'm not a little bitch haha I don't like letting people walk all over me.

I think the sensible attitude to have is just that no insult anyone says to you should really matter to you. By getting defensive, you imply that you fear you are wrong about something, or made a mistake.
I'm only one likes to be insulted. God forbid I defend myself? I really am sick of talking about this though, I came to this site to talk metal! So let's do that instead:)
I listen to Children of Bodom occasionally. I like a lot of their guitar work, but their recordings are usually really loud and overpowering. Also i thought their riffs started to get really bad with "Are You Dead Yet?"

Have you listened to In Flames?
Posting topless pictures of your first tattoo on a forum where you haven't even posted before is called attention-whoring and it quite simply doesn't create you a good image. I don't get why people give you positive comments or encourage you to do it but it might be because they want to see more of your naked body (I would find it ridiculous if it was because of the line of text printed side-ways on your back). Maybe you shouldn't consider it to be a great success that you made three random men masturbate, there are easier means of doing that anyway.

I came to this site to talk metal! So let's do that instead:)

Okay, cool. It didn't appear so at first :) Don't mind me then.
Are You Dead Yet was a little more generic, I'd agree(although We're Not Gonna Fall and Living Dead Beat are two of my favorite Cob songs)-but Something Wild, Hate crew Deathroll and Follow the Reaper do a much better job of showcasing their talent...I do love their newest stuff, but the old shit was brilliant...still gives me chills!

& I love In Flames...Come Clarity is probably my favorite album (which surprises a lot of people) but I really do think it was incredibly well done.
Yeah i haven't heard much In Flames but i recall them being similar. My music tastes changed pretty quickly after i started listening to CoB. Probably my next step was to Cradle of Filth and Dimmu Borgir.
Oh really?? Cradle of Filth kinda got me into Bodom...I heard Nemphetamine and I became i started exploring more of the European metal scene. And Dimmu Borgir is classic, love em:)
Yeah right now Dimmu Borgir is the only band in this conversation that i still really care about. They're just epic.
I saw Dimmu when I was stationed in Germany. Their time on stage went quickly, but they put on a great show. Oh how I miss Germany and it's metal I'm in Missouri. The least metal place in the States.
Haha dude, I'm from Alberta...the land of country music. Shudder. I moved to Russia after high school and I got to back pack through Eastern Europe (Finland, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Ukraine)- the metal scene there was INCREDIBLE. Like nothing I have ever seen. What I would give to go back. I bet Germany was insanely awesome too!
you should get a new tattoo of Children of Bodom lyrics encircling your asshole, and then bend over and take a picture of that. it would be epic!
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