Got myself an E-cigg


Apr 7, 2009
Picked up one of these bad boys yesterday.

I've been free of real ciggs for a week now and the patch was not enough to appease the mental aspect of quitting. If you've never seen one of these things in action, I can't describe how much of a blessing it is for smokers that have tried so many times but always end up going back.
thanks fellas...quitting is fucking tough man. Most people try it 3 or 4 times before they actually stick with it. Luckily this my third and hopefully final time.

Funny ya say that tho because keeping an unlit cigg in my mouth was the only thing saving me from actually smoking Before I got this E cigg. Best part about it is, I can "smoke" in the studio!!!
What flavor are you "smoking"? I started with grape and it kinda put me off the thing. It's kinda harsh going down. Never tried another.
Picked up one of these bad boys yesterday.

I've been free of real ciggs for a week now and the patch was not enough to appease the mental aspect of quitting. If you've never seen one of these things in action, I can't describe how much of a blessing it is for smokers that have tried so many times but always end up going back.

How's that working out for ya? I've been considering quitting smoking a lot recently (ironic, cigarette in my mouth as I type this..) And I've seen different variations of the same 'e-cigarette' being sold everywhere.

Bullshit or blessing?
So far so good. The moment I got it, I ripped off the patch and said fuck this thing. I got a cartridge of the regular tobacco flavor. Even when I used to smoke weed, I hated all those fruity flavored blunts or papers. The cartridges are available in all levels of nicotine as well as nicotine free, which is what I bought and I have no "nic-fits". I always thought nicotine addiction wasn't as bad as they say anyway. Like I said before, for me its a 90% mental addiction. So this thing is def a blessing.

I dont think you could use it with weed unless you found some way to extract and liquify THC. It uses these moist filters and when you take a drag, it activates the atomizer and creates a vapor. Best part is the LED cherry that lights when you puff.
Ah yes, the E-Cig. Two of my friends got them, and my mom. The one my friends got, online and supposedly a really good one (Blu), has a defect where it allows the liquid nicotine to get into the battery compartment and short the e-cig out, ruined. My mom's stopped working properly and I suspect a shorted unit as well as it doesn't charge any more.

No you cannot feasibly useTHC with these unless you can figure out how to thin the THC extract out. THC, when extracted, is like this syrupy butter - these things need something more like water's consistency to operate, they are just vaporizing liquid, generally speaking.

If you want to try extracting THC though (you can smoke like hash) all you need is a can of butane and a piece of PVC pipe and I can tell how my friends and I used to do it when we had bunk ass regs. Smoking the THC extract is like smoking nug, regardless of how weak the weed is that you extracted it from.
If you want to try extracting THC though (you can smoke like hash) all you need is a can of butane and a piece of PVC pipe and I can tell how my friends and I used to do it when we had bunk ass regs. Smoking the THC extract is like smoking nug, regardless of how weak the weed is that you extracted it from.

Do me if necessary
I just quit cold turkey.
To me it just wasn't worth the expense of buying anything that aids you to quit
I also quit cold turkey. It was back in the day when I used to smoke weed and one day I had an epiphany while smoking out. I thought to myself "If I quit smoking cigs after I chief out, and just smoke another joint instead.... I can get even MORE high".
And from that day on, I stopped smoking cigarettes and started smoking more weed.
Fast-forward a few years and I've quit that as well.
I reckon its a mind game more than anything else, but some people get horribly physically addicted to the stuff.