Grand Life Appreciation Thread

Just run away, nobody will know whos the father, there is probably like 2 billions ching chongs on this planet or so they wont know who hit them.
Just run away, nobody will know whos the father, there is probably like 2 billions ching chongs on this planet or so they wont know who hit them.
asian-european hybrids are often very attractive, so yea i might disappear then come back years later to fuck them
It depends. But yea, possibility of attractiviness is present ONLY IF the child is being raised correctly. Hybrids / americanized ching chongs when exposed to western cancer are obnoxious fucks
Cant fap to jpgs and bmps :( Im just like dragon, like to collect shiny and pretty items.
And there is no good porn on the internet.

My life sucks.
This cunt will be hung in 3,5 years. He always says one thing, does another, He lies, he manipulates the stupid, he steals from normal citizens to give the money to the lowlifes that support him. Poland is ruled by a fucking reeking gnome supported by plebs, poor fucks, uncivilised swines and people with no education. Guess the price of typical polacks' honor. 110 euro monthly, Thats how much they value it. I will murder anyone that takes this welfare funded with my stolen money. I will fucking murder evey stinking polack i can.
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Today I have confirmed myself, that bodies are useless and everything is in the mind.
Ive been working out on elliptical for quite some time now, but i always got pretty fucking bored after 30-40 minutes or ~~5 km and when the mind was bored body was getting tired. Listening to music, or playing apps like Zombies, Run havent helped much.

Today i realised ive got quite a lot shows to catch up to, so i placed my laptop on a beautiful tower of stacked chairs and table and made myself a minicinema while I was using elliptical. Watched 3 episodes of Vikings, finished 15 kms and still wasnt too tired even though im a fat fuck, but i just havent downloaded more.

This information is very valuable to me, because ill have you know that I will train my mind now to shatter atoms and then i shall bring nuclear holocaust too all of worthless humanity.