Grand Life Appreciation Thread

must be shit being from asia and not being into asian chicks :lol:
By Asian, I mean ethnic east/southeast-asians, which the world commonly refers to as "Asians". I do like central/south-Asian girls but (unfortunately) I live in east-Asia now, where I don't really fancy many women, based on their physical appearance at least.

Must be shit being in Sweden and not being into muslim chicks.

I'm starting to like this guy. :D
By Asian, I mean ethnic east/southeast-asians, which the world commonly refers to as "Asians". I do like central/south-Asian girls but (unfortunately) I live in east-Asia now, where I don't really fancy many women, based on their physical appearance at least.

That's actually something that's confused me too, a little bit. "Oh man I love Asian chicks!" always does mean Japanese/Korean/Chinese etc. Never Thai/Indian/Vietnamese etc.
Asian chicks have some flaws.
They all have brown eyes and I dont know if its only a porn thing but I could not stand this squeling like a chipmunk during intercourse.
Asian chicks have some flaws.
They all have brown eyes and I dont know if its only a porn thing but I could not stand this squeling like a chipmunk during intercourse.

It's a Japanese thing. I read something about why that's a thing in Japan, but I can't recall the content.
LMAO and I just saw miss poland for miss earth competition


Looks like when I was asleep poland was kicked out of europe and sent next to the border of Vietnam

101 % slavic genes <3
Today I was blessed to stand right next to mr. Doge Shiba Inu in the bus. We looked each other in the eyes and words werent needed. We understood each other.
Such glorious creature.