Graspop 2003

oceans of sadness? sounds like crappy whine-metal... and who the hell are convict and atreyouoipouoiupo?
Oceans of sadness are totally crap... They're signed on a Belgian Label, partner of the organisator of the festival... :(
They play sort of black/trash/doom with an awful voice... I saw them three times... Three times crap... :(
There are some really better bands in Belgium: No-Lokost, Manic Movement, Tim's favourite, In Quest, Aborted (in Graspop too)...
sol83 said:
well, it's a very noisy band but that's ok. always enjoy watching a good moshpit at fests.

Hmmm, I always prefer moshing in a good moshpit... :p
Aborted is a belgian death metal band that is becoming really huge (also in the rest of Europe and the States). And they deserve it, because they truly are one of best bands in the genre at this moment (and I mean the top).
bah aborted......... :ill: those new names are pretty shite. they should put Tim on Graspop..... that would be awesome :zombie:

i would love to bum the wankers at the moshpit so they will scream for their mommy
sol83 said:
yeah, me too. i think they're cool. not tiringly complex like most relapse bands.

Ja, they're keen on chaotic and tortured bands :p You should all check one Relapse band though : Mindrot. Former band of Morgion's vocalist. Ace !
sol83 said:
oceans of sadness? sounds like crappy whine-metal... and who the hell are convict and atreyouoipouoiupo?

Convict is a hardcore / punk band(don't really know where the line between the two genres lies), and they come from my hometown :cool:. I hear people saying they are pretty good, but i never heard them. (aardschock's onno cro mag is also very enthousiastic about this band and (if you may believe the rumors) that means a lot.)

Oceans of Sadness are quite ok i think. Not too good, but not bad either (you only have to be able to listen to vocal sounds ALL the time, cause he never shuts his mouth during the songs..)
cedarbreed said:
hahummm hahummmm ?????

in fact he has never been in morgion. let's say he was helping them a hand for the tour...

i'm pretty sure about this, perhaps its somewhere at them saait?
No longer tied by obstacles, Morgion completed their writing and recording of new material and embarked on the Doomination Of Europe 2003 Tour, in which former Mindrot vocalist helped contribute vocal duties. Morgion are currently shopping their new material to a small selection of labels, preparing themselves for the Doomination of America Tour, and writing new material.

You see?! ;)