Graveland - help


burnt face man
Sep 23, 2005
Is Graveland a band for me? If so, which album/s?
I enjoy my black metal the most when it is epic and atmospheric, the likes of Ulver's 'Bergtatt', Summoning, Bathory, Woods of Ypres etc.

Thoughts? Cheers.
atmospheric and epic are 2 prime ways to describe graveland. ive been trying to buy more graveland myself, but alot of shops and online stores dont carry em.
I personally enjoy (to significantly varying degrees) everything Graveland has put out thus far.
A lot of people seem to have a problem with the guitar tone on that particular release, it should be noted.
everyone creams over thousand swords. i dont understand it, but i guess thats where you should start. or if you pm "J." he seems to know quite a bit about graveland, so he might be able to give better advice.