Graveland pwned in MetalCrypt Editorial, J. Cries

What's wrong with taking something you're extremely passionate about with a serious approach? Themes of Slavonic pride, vikings pillaging, tales of yesteryear, feeling empty and suicidal. All of these topics are as sincere as you can come across. Do you all crack out in hysterics while you read a book on Norse Mythology? Why would the same topic be perceived as cheesy and insincere when presented in a different medium? Is it for the reasonn that so few people understand such topics, that playing such music in their presence (the turning the music down at the crosswalk), and talking about the ideas that go along with it, makes you stand out from the mindless masses. It reminds me of how I carry myself at work. When surrounded by ignoramuses' I tend to notice that I bring myself down to their level of speaking, or frankly not speak at all. When I do, it's usually about trivial shit like XBOX, Negarball, or how hot that chick's ass was. Bringing up a conversation that involves the least slghtest mental exertion dies quick and results in a sense of awkwardness, if not slight embarrassment. This music we listen to isn't cheesy in any regards. Only when placed against the backdrop of this dismal urban world in which we all loathe, does it stand out like rooster in a hen house. FTW
To me, it isn't an issue of NOT taking it seriously in favour of having a sense of humour about it. There has to be a balance. I'm extremely serious about metal, but at the same time I can laugh about many of its themes and ridiculous costumes. I'll still defend it to the death if some losers try to bash it.
I see, I for one do not feel that there is a need to stress their attire, as it is mainly used for promotional pics and the occasional gig. Hell in most circumstances it sets the mood aye? If I'm going to see Mael Mordha, I want them to be dressed in celtic garb, not the latest fashions they picked up Banana Republic. This is unlike the world of pop and nig hop, where they live every minute of their lives dressed as pretensious faggots and negars who looted uptown.
By this logic, it is obvious in every kind of music, in general. So we come to a "so what?" thing in the end.

And by this logic everything kind of music, art... life in general should be approached with an ironic self-awareness rather than deadly seriousness. Following your rationale, which I think is fair, you end up with two distinct positions - you can either have no fun, comedy, irony or any of the other things in anything (the very things, in my mind that make life/art/music worthwhile and enjoyable), or you can embrace these things. I know which I prefer, and being able to embrace these things in no ways diminishes the impact of it all, and doesn't stop you taking it seriously. It's all about a balance, and, when it comes down to it, having the security in your tastes and opinions to view them objectively and make jokes about them from time to time...
Russell said:
And by this logic everything kind of music, art... life in general should be approached with an ironic self-awareness rather than deadly seriousness. Following your rationale, which I think is fair, you end up with two distinct positions - you can either have no fun, comedy, irony or any of the other things in anything (the very things, in my mind that make life/art/music worthwhile and enjoyable), or you can embrace these things. I know which I prefer, and being able to embrace these things in no ways diminishes the impact of it all, and doesn't stop you taking it seriously. It's all about a balance, and, when it comes down to it, having the security in your tastes and opinions to view them objectively and make jokes about them from time to time...
I can't see how i said anything different than this. The "so what?" that i wrote before, was just an "answer" to that editorial. You people make me really wonder sometimes...
I can't see how i said anything different than this. The "so what?" that i wrote before, was just an "answer" to that editorial. You people make me really wonder sometimes...

Your knee-jerk reaction to the editorial implied that the "so-what" situation you came to was one in which you'd rather people took everything with a humourless approach, rather than the willingness to be self-critical the editorial seemed to have. If this is not the case the tone of all your posts in this thread thus far belies your opinion, my apologies, and that's fair enough. If it is, then I was merely saying it makes a lot more sense - to me - to take a good look in the mirror and not take everything quite so personally.
Your knee-jerk reaction to the editorial implied that the "so-what" situation you came to was one in which you'd rather people took everything with a humourless approach, rather than the willingness to be self-critical the editorial seemed to have. If this is not the case the tone of all your posts in this thread thus far belies your opinion, my apologies, and that's fair enough. If it is, then I was merely saying it makes a lot more sense - to me - to take a good look in the mirror and not take everything quite so seriously.
You people really make me wonder on how "in depth" you analyze someone's opinion about everything by two words he might write. My "knee-jerk reaction" (which was just 2-3 words, imagine how "knee jerk" is that) is nonexistant and my judgment to the editorial had nothing to do with anything "humor related", i just found the whole article to be shallow, clueless and definetely without any substance. That guy doesn't say anything new, it is a worlwide fact that almost everything can be funny in its own way. By the way, i took the article far less seriously than how you and Demilich took all the things i said in this thread.
My "knee-jerk reaction" (which was just 2-3 words, imagine how "knee jerk" is that) is nonexistant and my judgment to the editorial had nothing to do with anything "humor related", i just found the whole article to be shallow, clueless and definetely without any substance.

Actually it was based on most of your posts, but if that is not the case, then fair enough :)
My thoughts in general:


No one takes music for what it is anymore... it's music! Phish is music, Immortal is music, shitty pop bands still make music. Who the fuck cares, listen to music.
MajestikMøøse;6023724 said:
above my computer desk I still have an image of Rob Darken in the forest in full armor with his half drawn bow tacked on the wall.

It is glorious.

haahahaha yeah i can also see that poster if i look to my right. it's a great poster, if only to look at and go "hahaahahaha awesome"