Graveland pwned in MetalCrypt Editorial, J. Cries

i'll sell the poster for $25, and that's only because i really don't want to sell it. if someone is driven enough to pay that price though, i might as well go for it. i'm just an opportunist, people.
I have some gay old posters of shit like Die Kreuzen and Ministry that I could trade. :loco:
there's a link in there to some Darken interviewing claiming he's not NS-affiliated or something like that. Or, he might be, but his music isn't. Or something like that.
Yeah, Graveland as a band is not NS. Not that it has anything to do with the quality of his music.

That's the one thing that annoys me with LotFP...and that board in general. Everything NS or remotely racist is instantly shunned it seems.
I don't get it... he might say that his band isn't NS, but it totally is. You can buy shirts that have a runic message on them that used to be a banner on his website. Moose and I translated it one time and it says "White Beast of Wotan"!