GREAT AMP OR GREATEST AMP? (2 ch. Recto content)


Feb 20, 2005
Nothing to say - this amp is incredible. Here's a pic of settings (notice how different they are between the channels):


Here's a pic of my parents living room where I recorded it (notice the cables snaking up to my room, and yes, I dragged Rufus in for the pic :D No WAY was he gonna be sitting there when the amp was roaring! :lol: )


And of course, here's a link to a .zip file with 3 mp3's - one of both tracks on the Red channel, one of both on Orange, and my favorite, one with Red Left and Orange right. I used my Ibanez Prestige RGA321F with an EMG85 in the bridge, and of course the trusty TS7 to tighten it up (however, there is some post-eq, specifically a 4 db cut at 720 Hz to get rid of the cocked-wah sound of the TS7 - besides that, though, totally raw!) Enjoy!

And as far as I'm concerned, Peavey can officially go screw itself :heh:
Sounds nice Marcus. I dig the combination clip the best, and the orange mode alone. I really want to find me a Racktifier...that's another amp on my list.

Sounds nice Marcus. I dig the combination clip the best, and the orange mode alone. I really want to find me a Racktifier...that's another amp on my list.


Hahahaha, nice? Come on Joe, this is the greatest tone I've ever recorded! :lol: Thanks though dude, and the Racktifier is IDENTICAL to mine btw (just usually more expensive on ebay ;))
Sounds good! Mesa does rule the roost, here is a clip I posted earlier today with my recto just to hammer in the fact of how good these amps really are in this thread, second link

I soo wish I had that cab! Looks/sounds awesome, oh and your dog is so sweeet!! :lol:


Thanks for the compliments on Rufus dude, I'll be sure to tell him :D And I commented on your thread, cuz it made me all the more certain that mic'ing one of the two bottom speakers is the way to go in a slant cab! And btw, I got mine for $600 :heh:
What a great tone is that ?!! The first file I like the most, but damn..this sound is really THE SHIT. Congrats for this, dude :) AWESOME !!

Felix, do you use the oversized or traditional? I have an oversized and love it.

Hi Joe, nice to see ya :) I use the oversized and I love it, too!
Thanks for the compliments on Rufus dude, I'll be sure to tell him :D And I commented on your thread, cuz it made me all the more certain that mic'ing one of the two bottom speakers is the way to go in a slant cab! And btw, I got mine for $600 :heh:

Haha yeah I love dogs :)

Damn that is a good price!!!! Love the silver edges, never see many of those "armour" Mesa cabs around. I hope to snag one someday for a decent price. Bottom speakers seem the way to go! :headbang:
Thanks a lot Felix, I appreciate it! I spent a fair amount of time tweaking the settings, but I'd say the ends justified the means!

Do you have a bass dude?? I've love to hear it with a bass track too.


Nice.. Let's hear it in a full mix

No can do, unfortunately, but a bass is on my list of things to buy!

Love the silver edges, never see many of those "armour" Mesa cabs around. I hope to snag one someday for a decent price.

Well actually, it's not "armored," but rather just all-silver tolex, which is an option you can get from the factory (it adds to the cost, of course, but that's what's so great about buying used! :D)
Armored being the ones Petrucci uses with the diamond plated sides ;) However your silver still looks badass, first ive seen actually.
Sounds nice Marcus, though I'm not sure I'd say it's an amazing tone, it seems a little on the thin side (although that may be due to a lack of bass). Nice playing though dude.
Bad ass clips man! Thanks again for sharing. It's always a pleasure to hear some tasty Mesa clips from the Mesa Master. Again, I'm digging that orange channel. LOL ffaudio, I was gonna mention something about the knobs looking different with those pointers. I've never seen those on the 2-Channel model.