great singers

and last but not least...another...with doomy cohort...
Originally posted by sol83
or maybe not cos she'll meet some handsome Greek and then dump you... :lol:

Greek males have a gay reputation here in France :
Here's the saying : ' Vas te faire voire chez les grecs '
which can be translated by ' go get fucked In Greece '
Ahhhhhhh Sodom and Gomorrhe :)
Come here then and you'll get a first hand taste of what Greek males are all about!!! :heh:

And Mehdi himself said that French are gay! :grin:
Originally posted by sol83
Come here then and you'll get a first hand taste of what Greek males are all about!!! :heh:

And Mehdi himself said that French are gay! :grin:

don't trust him ! he's an Arab !!! lolol
anyway if French are gay , Mehdi is gay ......
I wouldn't say crap... Just a bit hard. Pronounciation is a big pain in the ass... Still, Greek is deffo the most difficult language in Europe. Our grammar is enormous!!! :grin:
I watch French movies every week... What does that have to do with the language? Anyways, I like the language , that's why I'm payin' to learn it...