yes... for consistency of dynamics so the low end remains solid and doesn't jump around... because even good drummers can't really pull that... so yeah.. exactly what i said.I'd say that drum replacement is in most cases a matter of creating a sound instead of covering up a lousy drummer. I know a couple of really talented drummers, but they still use relacement on their recordings beacuse todays sound, and the really fast agressive music requires that. That's just my opinion.
just jumping in on natural sounds, surely Metallica's self titled album was a benchmark for modern natural metal tone, especially the power and sound of the drums all done in the days of analogue!!
as i have already said... put up or shut up.. post your metal mixes that use no samples.... get to crackin'.. mixes, not words... do it, or zip it.
lol..... i love this kind of thing.... internet stress councilors.relax
I liked this drummers playing style so much that I decided not to use samples. I'm not saying that it's the best mix ever but at least it sounds modern to me. Check it out:
I would also like to add that I'm not against using sample replacement. I just try to avoid it when possible. Most of the time it's not.
lol..... i love this kind of thing.... internet stress councilors.