Greatest Death Metal Release (no bullshit 'top ten' lists!)


Jan 16, 2007
Fuck what's classic, fuck what's influential, fuck what's critically acclaimed, fuck all of that. What's your most beloved death metal album, and why does it get all the love?

PLEASE don't make TOP 10 lists or anything, just pick one fav (mention a runner-up if you really have to) and discuss it in a bit of detail. No one is going to judge you based on what you post, so be honest.

I'm sure this has probably been done before, but most "fav" threads I've seen are long lists of publically accepted "masterpieces" that are annoying to sort through and uninteresting to read, with the occasional shocker thrown in to look rebellious.

Also, yes, progressive stuff like Opeth counts, as does melodeath, techdeath... any kind of death metal.
There are two or three that are in the running, but if I had to pick just one:

At the Gates - The Red in the Sky is Ours
Just a name drop is fine, but some explanation would also be encouraged!

Keep the replies comin'.
*sigh* I picked Cynic's Focus because it the most unique sounding album I've heard in quite a while. It blends several genres of music together, including jazz, death metal, and other random silly genres. It's quite a shame that the band only made one album. :erk:
Since we have to choose just one, I'm going to have to go with:

Death - Symbolic
Another Vote here for :

Death : Symbolic

Chuck at the height of his talent backed by the Legendary Gene Hoglan

Runner up :

Nile : In Their Darkened Shrines ( AKA as the "2112 of Death Metal")
ill have to go with gorod - leading visions, i doupt many here have heard it, buts its abso-fucking-lutly amazing tech-death

after that i might put nile - in their darkened shrine as well