Greatest Memory from PPV


Nature's Child
Aug 2, 2003
Michigan, USA
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What is everyone's greatest memory from this year's ProgPower? Was it the bands? A certain band? An experience?

For me I'd say the greatest memory of this year's ProgPower was when my best friend, Mark, a non-Folk Metal guy stood with me to watch Wuthering Heights and then bought both To Travel For Evermore and Far From The Madding Crowd. For me this was such a warm memory - my greatest friend getting into a band I never thought he would and a band I dearly love!

How about everyone else?
Damn, now i feel like an ass. I saw a guy there with a white manticora shirt on and i had no idea that is who that was... I just walked up to him and said "hey man, nice shirt, kickass band." Oh well, nothing beats last year when i accidently thought the singer for Redemption was Ray Alder. I thought Ray was the other guy, and not the guest singer. But as for my favorite moment of this year, it would have to be when I saw WoMD. They blew me away.

Without a doubt, when the whole crowd (from what I could tell from the front) was singing along to Believe during WOMD's set. Jon Oliva is the Mountain GOD. :worship:

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Hahah, Lars was there for Intromental management, Wuthering Heights and Prototype are with them. Also, the second guitarist that played for WH too is in Manticora, Daniel I believe?

Daybreaker said:
Hahah, Lars was there for Intromental management, Wuthering Heights and Prototype are with them. Also, the second guitarist that played for WH too is in Manticora, Daniel I believe?


Yes, Lars works for me here at Intromental, and since we had both Wuthering Heights and Prototype playing at PP this year we simply needed to come over to the states :)

And the second guitarist for Wuthering Heights (the short haired guy who played most solos) is Martin Arendal from Manticora.

Me and my friend were at kroger in the beer section buying stuff to restock the cooler and here come Torsten, Milan, and Dieter from brainstorm walking down the isle. I said hi to Torsten and they stopped and talked to us for a couple minutes and then walked to the checkout line with a can of pringles and a bottle of mustard. One of my favorite bands in the world and of all the places i thought i would ever get to see them it was at the grocery store... ;) prog power Rocks!! \m/
One of the greatest moments that I had was definetly hanging out with the guys from Adagio on saturday night, after the show at the Fairfield. All of them are awesome! Other nice moments were interviewing Daniel Gildenlow from Pain of Salvation and Gus Monsanto from Adagio. Also, having the opportunity to hang out with friends that I don't see everyday, from other states...
First off was meeting everyone.

The other ones, not necessarly in order:

Second: In the airport my roommate and I stopped to get MARTA tokens so we could ride to the hotel. In the airport we ran into a couple of PPers. One of them looked at me and said, "You're MetalRose, right?" I felt like a rockstar all weekend.

Third: Dinner with Adagio on Thursday night.

Fourth: Seeing Gus early on Friday morning (afternoon) where he promptly walked upt to me and kissed both my cheeks. As soon as he saw me his whole face lit up. It was such a nice warm feeling.

Fifth: Shaye NOT stealing my mascara!

Sixth: Meeting everyone who made my weekend so fucking cool. Hands down, one of the BEST times I have had in my life! Second only to the birth of my son.

Meteornotes said:
Seeing Savatage live for the first time after listening to them for over 20 years. When they launched into "City" I almost fell out of my chair. Simply the best concert experience of my life...


:headbang: :worship: :headbang:

Cheers to that one! I can't believe I forgot to mention that one!

And hearing "Edge Of Thorns" Live. I can officially die happy now.

MetalRose said:
:headbang: :worship: :headbang:

Cheers to that one! I can't believe I forgot to mention that one!

And hearing "Edge Of Thorns" Live. I can officially die happy now.

I thought you were going to die happy right then and there and I was going to have to drag your grinning corpse out of the venue! :)

It *was* fantastic finally seeing them.
lady_space said:
I thought you were going to die happy right then and there and I was going to have to drag your grinning corpse out of the venue! :)

It *was* fantastic finally seeing them.

At that moment, the only people in the world were those on stage and me.

I completely forgot about the jackass beside me and the other 1500 screaming fans. And for as long as I live, NO ONE will ever convince me that that song was not sung just for me.

I'm getting all teary-eyed just thinking of it. That seriously made my life.
