I, of course, agree with the many others that have typed before me. Just wanted to add my own to the list (warning this is long! lol)...
~To Patrick (Doc Metal) and Jaime for making it possible for me to be there in the first place.
~To Glen for all he is and does. You are da MAN!
~To my wonderful husband for not being an ass about me going solo, and for putting up with me talking non-stop about it since being back.
~To Midnight for letting me sing with him when the sun was coming up.

'nuff said!
~To My Roomies and all the other ladies I had the fortune to spend time with. You all have given me renewed hope that not all women are F'd in the head! Shout outs to Jaime, Tracie, Kim, Beth, Alina, Alicia, Teri, Christina and of course Metal Rose

~To Tony (WarmWetOs). Good lord, where to begin? I'm always amazed at your sincerity, great taste and the knack you have for creating fun times. You rock my brutha!
~To Ben for playing FWX. My ass was planted, and yes! You would've had to pry it from my cold dead fingers.
~To Vish for not kicking my ass or schloggin me with beer after the elevator "incident".

~To Bear for the Bear hugs and for cracking me up every damn time I saw you.
~To Aki for simply being there, and for being such a sweetheart

~To Ralf and Kez for never knowing what to expect...
~To Zilla for being the MCee God and for asking if I'd like to taste his sour balls.
~To Matt Moliti for many moments of great conversation and giving me a copy of his work. Thoroughly enjoying it!
~To Dreamscape for being Dreamscape, and for inspiring Winds of Change with Infected Ground
~To Maria, the hot bartender for, well, being hot without being conceited and for taking every compliment I gave her with style and grace. I would still go gay for her...
~To the other hot bartender for introducing Tracie & I to the perfect shot/beer mix, and for having the coolest American Bull Dog I've ever seen.
~To Adagio for being so much fun to hang with and for taking riding in the back of a truck in the rain with no complaints. Frankh for digging Star Wars (almost) as much as me, Kev for talking keys with me and Gus for singing Steve Perry and Fates Warning with me whenever we had the chance! A special cheers to Gus for putting on such a great performance, even with the Technical difficulties, you kicked my ass!
~To Smiley from Prymary & Redemption for buying me that shot and telling me that I kick his ass. We're gonna have to agree to disagree, there, buddy

~To Rob from IE for being one of the nicest guys I spent time with all weekend. Enjoyed walking & talking with you and generally acting silly. 4th floor smoke before the Midnight set kicked ASS!!
~To Troy from IE for having the balls to pull of an Adam Sander-esk type song after Midnight, and for being freaking hysterical all weekend. You supplied us all with many, many laughs and we thank you!
~My Seismic buddies for all being actually cooler in person than in the chat. I didn't think that would be possible, but you all proved me wrong. I'm not even gonna try to list everyone individually because I know I'll inadvertently leave someone out, and that would SUCK!!
~To John for still being kick ass after not seeing you in 14 years. Still can't believe we ran into each other at this of all places! (one of my 2 most memorable experiences of the weekend) And for having one of the coolest license plates in all of California!
~To Gonzo for asking to carry my bag at the airport. A true gentleman

~And last cheer to the pilot of my plane for keeping us from death, even with the lightning strike and having to take off again at 500 feet during our 1st landing attempt. How he kept his composure is beyond me.
~To EL for the goddamn stairs and for not having a smoking area separate from the main. Mind you, this is coming from a smoker...
~To Kamelot for not having their female vocalist on stage for more time. Jeezuz with three, count that THREE, costume changes, she deserved more. And I couldn't even hear her!
~To the female vocalist from Kamelot on her clothes choice. Too much like Tarja on the white, too much like Malificent on the black.
~To myself for forgetting my camera and for not remembering everyone in this post!
*whew!* Okay I think I'm done now...