green dots?

You know that you are talking about two human beings right? Ideally, that is true, but it never happens. People look at what is best for them, especially in the beginning of relationships.

It never happens? it's the key to long lasting relationships and the number one reason for couples staying together during rough I wouldn't call this never...
when you say it never mean it never happens to you.
it's true that a lot of people are selfish and lazy and don't like to put into a relationship and just get some nookie but there are a whole lotta people that look for slightly different things like a lifetime supply of sex!:lol:

and besides once you erased the word never from your vocabulary you can pretty much make anything happen.
It never happens? it's the key to long lasting relationships and the number one reason for couples staying together during rough I wouldn't call this never...
when you say it never mean it never happens to you.
it's true that a lot of people are selfish and lazy and don't like to put into a relationship and just get some nookie but there are a whole lotta people that look for slightly different things like a lifetime supply of sex!:lol:
Either way, I hate relationships.

What's wrong with Burzum?!?! Orgy's are good, if there are no dudes involved. Not that I would know since I haven't participated in an orgy yet:( . Gay sex is gay, so there is nothing wrong with avoiding that.
So? That has nothing to do with the music. It's not like the lyrics scream out "kill Jews and blacks, hail Hitler" or some shit like that. Even uber nazi Rob Darken doesn't write lyrics like that for Graveland.
So? That has nothing to do with the music. It's not like the lyrics scream out "kill Jews and blacks, hail Hitler" or some shit like that. Even uber nazi Rob Darken doesn't write lyrics like that for Graveland.

It has nothing to do with the's listening to Burzum, you support Varg who is a nazi and therefore hates your guts and wants you dead...nor would I support a murderer...