green dots?

paradoxile said:
the joke is that someone who creates 15 users just to give himself good rep is
a. dumb
b. has no life as in nothing to do with himself besides trying to get a high rep bar
c. probably has no friends to give him good rep because he's a forum troll

^This Androz Thingy :erk:
if you go to user cp you'll see green blue and red dots
the green means positive rep
the red means negetive rep
and the blue means like the green dot that ballances out a red dot that was given to you earlier.
hence if you have no red dots, then you're not supposed to have blue ones either
paradoxile said:
All of us in the OL forum are awesome people even metalhead who talks non stop about lapdances and nudie bars:lol
What do you mean by "even"? All of us like to see women dancing nude then dancing for you for 20 bucks+tips for a few minutes.
I for instance like spending my money on more productive things...
imo a lap dance is as meaningless as jerking off to porn on the net...only jerking off is for free
I like having a nude woman dancing in front of me but I like it for free and I call it foreplay if you catch my drift
paradoxile said:
I for instance like spending my money on more productive things...
imo a lap dance is as meaningless as jerking off to porn on the net...only jerking off is for free
I like having a nude woman dancing in front of me but I like it for free and I call it foreplay if you catch my drift
I like wasting my money and throwing it around. I guess it's because I'm a spoiled American.
Plus, I prefer some stripper who I will never see outside of the nudie bar dance for me than someone I would see in other situations. That's why I still go to the nudie bar whenever I have a girlfriend. Which is why I never had, and probably never will, have a long lasting relationship.
Metal head87 said:
I like wasting my money and throwing it around. I guess it's because I'm a spoiled American.
Plus, I prefer some stripper who I will never see outside of the nudie bar dance for me than someone I would see in other situations. That's why I still go to the nudie bar whenever I have a girlfriend. Which is why I never had, and probably never will, have a long lasting relationship.

sounds to me like you have a fear of intimicy
if I had a spare 20$ lying around and I had to spend it immedietly I'd go and buy myself a limited edition picture vinyl of a band I like...I would say buy one of the OL vinyls but I already have both.
Someone should go up to Phillipe from Holy records and tell him to get El Norra Alila and Sahara to be released on vinyl with a gun to his head...because simply talking to him doesn't help...I tried.
paradoxile said:
sounds to me like you have a fear of intimicy
I don't have a fear of intimacy. I even give cunnilingus. I just don't like getting too intimate in that lapdance way. Which is weird considering I love stuff which is way more intimate.
Besides, if I didn't go to the nudie bar, how else will the dancers be able to pay for their clear shoes and silk panties?
Metal head87 said:
I don't have a fear of intimacy. I even give cunnilingus. I just don't like getting too intimate in that lapdance way. Which is weird considering I love stuff which is way more intimate.
Besides, if I didn't go to the nudie bar, how else will the dancers be able to pay for their clear shoes and silk panties?

I'm not saying you should get intimite with the strippers...on the contrary(you shouldn't get intimite with prostitutes either)...
Intimicy is not about the way you perform sex or if you go down on the girl you're sleeping's more an emotional thing...opening up physically, verbally and emotionly...that means if you get intimite truelly intimate with a girl you can ask her to do to you stuff that turns you on like a lap dance with silk panties and everything...intimicy is all about trust

now let me ask you a question...when you had sex within a relationship...after you're done do you get up get dressed and leave or do you cuddle together in bed and then fall alseep in each other's arms?
you don't have to answer if you don't want to...just trying to deliver my point.
paradoxile said:
now let me ask you a question...when you had sex within a relationship...after you're done do you get up get dressed and leave or do you cuddle together in bed and then fall alseep in each other's arms?
you don't have to answer if you don't want to...just trying to deliver my point.
I get dressed and leave, or just hang out. I don't cuddle, ever. I could also never sleep in the same bed with someone else. I need my space.
This is very sad, because most women think, that this is the best part of sleeping with each other... staying together for the night.

I can understand you need your space, i also have problems to sleep, when someone lies next to me, but if its someone you love, you can stand it for a night.

Next question: Do you tell the girls, you need your space and that you'll get up stright after "it" in advance or do you just do it? Cause if this happened to me, i'd think i've just been used and not needed anymore now... could be a point why you don't have long time relationships. I'd also feel cheated on, if i found out my boyfriend went to a nudie bar to watch other girls, even if he doesn't touch them or sleep with them - i assume you don't tell your girlfriends?

But you have to know yourself, i don't want to dictate you what you shall do with your life, i only want to give you a good hint from a womans point of view. Having a relationship means giving up all your ego and share your life with one person. Which also means running in danger of being hurt.
Elyia said:
This is very sad, because most women think, that this is the best part of sleeping with each other... staying together for the night.

I can understand you need your space, i also have problems to sleep, when someone lies next to me, but if its someone you love, you can stand it for a night.

Next question: Do you tell the girls, you need your space and that you'll get up stright after "it" in advance or do you just do it? Cause if this happened to me, i'd think i've just been used and not needed anymore now... could be a point why you don't have long time relationships. I'd also feel cheated on, if i found out my boyfriend went to a nudie bar to watch other girls, even if he doesn't touch them or sleep with them - i assume you don't tell your girlfriends?

But you have to know yourself, i don't want to dictate you what you shall do with your life, i only want to give you a good hint from a womans point of view. Having a relationship means giving up all your ego and share your life with one person. Which also means running in danger of being hurt.
The thing is, I never really loved anyone I went out with. It was mostly just for fun, which is what these kind of relationships are.

It's not like the second I finish, I get dressed and leave. I just hang out for a little then I would go home. I usually like to take a shower after.
Besides, everyone that ever met me would know that I am emotionally unattached.
Besides, I don't see how anyone could feel used by me. If someone has a problem, I'll usually listen to them whether it's on the phone or in person (even if it's not someone I'm going out with)

There's nothing wrong with going to nudie bars. I wouldn't really care if someone I went out with went to one, and if she wanted to go to the ones I go to, I would totally support that! But I don't avoid or lie about it. If someone I was going out with asked me if I go or not, I would just say "yeah, why?".

I know relationships are about giving up your ego, which is why I hate relationships. To me, ego and pride means more than anything.
I feel that in this case "not saying because was never asked" is just like lying...the girl who you're seing will still feel betrayed in the sence of "he doesn't appreciate what I do for him and seeks excitement elsewhere".

on the other hand if you tell the girl you're seeing, you go to nudie bars since forever and it has nothing to do with the girls you're seeing and you're only going there for fun...some girls will understand, some won't but by being honest they won't feel bitrayed.

now about the "i need my space" thing...I can partially understand you
everyone needs some space to distant themselves from people who disturb your peace when they're near you(like parents who don't their son any privacy).
when you have sex you're naked and she's naked and you're in her space(pun intended:grin) and she's in "I'll fuck her but I won't hug her" is pretty much contridictory.

now about the losing your pride and ego when entering a relationship.I think it's different than what you describe...I believe you can have your (cream) pie and eat it too( :lol: )...if you're honest with your partner constantly and she is constantly honest with you then you both keep your egos and both decide at what you're best at...surely there will have to be some compromises but they should come from mutual understanding that it's what best for the both of you...moreover when you spend enough time with a person you start to know (more or less) how s/he thinks and what s/he likes so with time those disagreements slowly fade and you start to think more as one person rather than two even if you're very different from each other.
now about the losing your pride and ego when entering a relationship.I think it's different than what you describe...I believe you can have your (cream) pie and eat it too( :lol: )...if you're honest with your partner constantly and she is constantly honest with you then you both keep your egos and both decide at what you're best at...surely there will have to be some compromises but they should come from mutual understanding that it's what best for the both of you...moreover when you spend enough time with a person you start to know (more or less) how s/he thinks and what s/he likes so with time those disagreements slowly fade and you start to think more as one person rather than two even if you're very different from each other.
You know that you are talking about two human beings right? Ideally, that is true, but it never happens. People look at what is best for them, especially in the beginning of relationships.