
New Metal Member
Sep 16, 2008
I'm sick of reading all these discussions about which genre is the best and which one is false metal. GET OVER IT, GUYS! Metal is all about being hardcore and fast and going against the grain of mainstream music. The only one that even comes close to providing this authentic experience is Grindcore. Nothing can beat the breakdowns in them. Every single other sub-genre has some stupid string attached (power metal, thrash metal, etc) that ties them to the mainstream. As for as I'm concerned, there's only Grindcore and False Metal. EVERY SINGLE OTHER GENRE IS FALSE. PERIOD. END OF STORY.
Except for the fact that it isn't a Metal subgenre...Grindcore nowadays is way too influenced by Metal which gets away from its roots. Early Napalm Death, Terrorizer, and Repulsion clearly had that Hardcore/Crust/Powerviolence influence.
I'm sick of reading all these discussions about which genre is the best and which one is false metal. blah blah blah blah Grindcore blah blah blah blah breakdowns blah blah blah EVERY SINGLE OTHER GENRE IS FALSE. PERIOD. END OF STORY.

wait...what? Hypocrisy my friend. Not the band...the word
People that feel the need to claim *The metal they listen to is the best ever and all else suck* are the ones who ruin the entire genre. Every classification of metal has it's great artists, and because your blood pumps to *Grindcore* Does not mean it does for other. Music is music, it's all about emotions displayed, and felt. Stop fucking up the name, suck it up, and ENJOY it!
Metal is all about being hardcore and fast and going against the grain of mainstream music.

No it's not. If you are not listening to something just because it's mainstream, then YOU are the poser.

If the quality is good, then mainstream or not, I could not care less. Having said that, the last time that something was mainstram AND good, was back in 80's.

Also not every metal "genre" is hardcore and fast.

There are bands considered as "glam" metal, that are 1 million times more tallented and techinal than any "grindcore" band.
i agree ! but is grindcore still metal ?

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I'd put grind and thrash nearly on the same level, actually. Ofc, the best thrash fucking destroys the best grind, but neither ever had a lot of wiggle room in terms of compositional style, resulting in a pretty short list of classics, compared to lists of essential death metal, for instance.