
@bloodland:are you drunken or do you live in the 19th century in Malta????
First you say Korn is hardcore and than you say they aren't influenced by commercialism!OMFG:OMG:
I never really got into grind. Way too much shit to try and bury out the gold.
There are a few that I like, but the only grind band I love is Carcass. But even Carcass, I don't consider their older stuff as purely grindcore.

I don't care if Anal Cunt is a joke band or not, their funny lyrics do not make up for some of the worst music I have ever heard.
i like grindcore, lots of great bands like repulsion, carcass, napalm death, not to mention newer bands that don't suck, like catheter , machetazo, birdflesh. it's cool, but you can't approach it from a death metal mindset. they aren't interested in telling stories or atmospherics or anything like that. it's a different dynamic.
Yeah,i know Cannibal Corpse is Death Metal,brutal Death Metal..The lyrics of your average 20 second grind core song reminds me of them though..Gorey and what-not.
hey, not all things with "core" at the end are bad, IMO. Especially Metalcore. Guys like Lamb of God, As I Lay Dying and such, I like them.
I can't believe only one perosn mentioned Napalm Death..

This thread has had some interesting things said in it....
Firstly, I think Grindcore has some good bands (most being old and its originators). The reason most Metalheads also like Grindcore is because of how similar it is to death metal....just..much more simple, and muddled, and of course, short.

Now on to the fuck did Korn find its way into a Grindcore thread at an Amon Amarth forum??? Korn is numetal. It's pop metal. It's crap, and they are DEFENITALLY commercialized as all hell.
The ever-expanding variety and speed of influences. Music used to grow slowly, as it was generally spread by word-of-mouth, so influences and innovations took a long time to spread. These days, cross-pollination happens so rapidly, and there is such a huge set of influences about that bands can be based of the basic of metal (which, imo, starts with Sabbath and mebbe Priest, but I'm not a huge Priest fan) and sound absolutely nothing like each other. The rest of the explanation would require me to be sober enough to say anything more sensible then "It's a tree, man... all tangled up and shit"
it's pretty simple actually, bands like zeppelin and sabbath gave way to bands lke maiden and priest, which, when combined with the speed and aggression of punk gave way to thrash, it got faster and faster, becoming grind. While that was happening, bands that took the heavier is better approach to thrash, bands like death, celtic frost, hell hammer, possessed, etc. all wound up stumbling on early death metal. from death metal evolved black metal. Metalcore and nu metal, etc are just attempts at commercialization by the addition of more palatable elements, and or a fundamental simplification of the formula.