

New Metal Member
Jul 3, 2003
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hey hey

I can growl pretty well and am in a death metal band, but about one day a week I cannot growl whatsoever. The sound simply does not come out. Anyone have a decent scientific explanation for this? I drink plenty of water
Yeah I can't do it every now and then too, dreading that happening during a gig :/ For me it's just cos sometimes I can't get the back of my throat moist or whatever...very irritating, would like any tips on how to avoid that.
for sore throats I recommend a big feed of KFC or anything greasy and doesn't contain salt and the wash it down with warm beer. yes thats right and I'm not english. the most rank substance on earth is good for the vocals. warm lager is possible. you want anything that sticks. porridge is good aswell.

with the whole not be able to sing once a week try warming up with clean singing first, then yelling, and get the control down onto it again with the growling. nature hates me and I usually get a cold or something equally gay before each gig.
Hmmm, weird how some people can only do one way of heavy vocals...I can't do mine from the gut for more than 20 minutes without shredding my throat (I'm sure I'm doing something wrong but don't care) but I can growl Opeth style for however long so I spose that makes up for it.
I couldn't tell you what your problem is, I never have it. I never really practice either. Going casually I can go for howers, pushing it I can go for 30m to 1h.

Personally, I can do several different types of vocals. I can do the quiet growling stuff like Mikael just about any time, but my inherent nature is to scream it all. I like getting a very Dark Funeral type of sound, it really is "me". Anyway though, try warming up and growling casually at various times to keep yourself in check.