
Originally posted by Mr. Hyde
Ec am I being a bonehead? Are you saying that your sound card only has a mono input and not a stereo line in?

Sorry if I am. :)

My card has a stereo line in, so I can record stereo tracks. I can select the left side for input to one track and the right for input to another track. As long as the signal is kept panned hard left and right they stay seperate while I record. The programs I use also allow me to select stereo L/R in for source but then I would have to separate the tracks into two mono tracks later.

I don't usually record in stereo but I can.:)

No, you're not being a bone head! :lol:

I think I could do the same thing as far as stereo goes. I think it'd just be a matter of using a stereo adapter to combine the seperate left/right outputs from the Nightbass unit. I've never bothered to try though, because we've yet to do any songs that would require true stereo effects from the bass.

As far as the bi-amping goes, I suppose that I might be able to use the stereo seperation to accept the two high/low outputs seperately. I might be able to just pan them back together in the mix. That's in interesting idea, I'll have to give that a try. Thanks! :cool:
all this talk of eq has got me playing around trying to better my tracks.... and it's not pretty...

Help me!!! I'm attempting to better my mixing capabilities and I need help. My mixes sound different on everything I play them(home stereo, car, van, computer, etc) and I'm not sure which sound to go for...

So, please check out this link

It's a very short, very small track with 5 different mix ideas of the same piece of music. All I need is for you to tell me which one you like best and which you dislike most. None of them are perfect, I know that, it's why I'm asking for opinions. You can tell me exactly what you like or dislike about the mix, but you don't have to, the number of fav and least fav will do just fine.

Comments on the performance and songwriting will be fine, but will mostly be ignored as I'm very happy with how they are turning out.

Help me!
k, here's what the mixes sounded like to me. Keep in mind that I listened to your mixes over small speakers.:)

1. Is the best sounding mix over these speakers. It's louder than the others and the guitar is more prominent in the mix.

2. Is quiet and doesn't have as many upper mids and sounds a little bit muddy on these speakers.

3. Similar to number 2 but with a little bit more upper mid range.

4. Too much in the low mids. Louder than 2 and 3.

5. Too much bass.

Note: The frequency response of the speakers I listened on is only decent in the range between 200Hz - 10Khz. There is little bass response and very little high end above 10K. :)

Hyde knows the frequency response limitations of the speakers he is listening on!

Nerd! :lol: :grin:

..ok..ok...I admit..I am just jealous. :o

Noblesavage, I'll try to give them a listen tonight. No access to speakers right now..

Yeah, but when aliens attack and try to take over the earth we might find out that their only weakness is a deadly sensitivity to generated sound oscillations between 200Hz and 10K but anything outside of that range will only piss them off and I'll be happy to know that I'm safe!:lol:
Ok..I finally listened to this...
first...nice intro to each piece....

1. Loudest mix. also the best sounding overall
2. quiet mix...and kinda thin and muddy.
3. another quiet mix...if the volume was raised on the track it might sound good...but I think the guitars sound too thin.
4. Sounds like its been EQd to bring up the mids...but that muddies up the vocals.
5. Bass heavy.

on all of them, you need to run the vocals through a filter to remove the sharp 's' sounds. It really sticks through on the mixes where the mids/highs were boosted..and I think the vocal level maybe a bit high overall.