Guess the Pickup


Frozen Sun Audio
Nov 19, 2010
Bit of a far shot, but this could be fun. I just swapped pickups in my Fender Strat (yes, you read correctly, I said Fender Strat) and I thought I would post up a quick clip. I will reveal what the pickup is when enough people post up with guesses.

The rest of the rig is as follows:
Fender Strat > Maxon OD808 > Peavey 5150 > Recto Cab > SM57

HP at 50Hz, LP at 10kHz, and a slight mid dip post pro, that's it.

CLIP: Pickup.mp3
Alright, it's a Duncan Jazz lol. I sold my bridge pickup and didn't have anything to replace it with, but I had the Jazz handy so I plopped it in and was pretty surprised. Not only is it a standard spaced humbucker in a f-spaced guitar, but it's also a low output neck pickup lol. But listen to the brootalz it gets! hahaha.
I've heard great things from the Jazz Bridge model.

Too bad your "[live trout] not far from the truth" thing was just a joke, otherwise my fishman guess would've been pretty good. I guess it was indeed a joke though.