Guess Who's Back!!!!!

I saw this thread and i said to myself "what the..." and since I didn't know what to reply to myself I decided to follow Blackspirit's advice and I will try to be posting here regularly again! I'm glad to see so many faces here that were already posting a year ago when I left...weeee!

Awesome! Everybody, welcome back to the fold.

Blackmore's Night -- Shadow of the Moon -- The Clock Ticks On
/* random quote */
Mia Hamm, the best women's football player in the world.
pepsi??? you poser! :p just coke is the ultimate drink for the ultimate hero!

Oh, and DWD, that car isn't really yours, is it??? :wow:
Coke!? Dear god, what the hell are you talking about. Mountain Dew. And the only reason I chose Pepsi (sadly, diet Pepsi) over coke is to support the Dew-making machine... Unfortunately, Dew is near impossible to get outside of the US... I've found a few cans in Korea, but that's quite rare.

/* random quote */
I gave you my soul
You left me dying
FatherVic said:
pepsi??? you poser! :p just coke is the ultimate drink for the ultimate hero!

Oh, and DWD, that car isn't really yours, is it??? :wow:

Pepsi is better tasting, if you ask me. Coke makes me burp. And no, it's not. We met this guy while travelling in South Dakota, he let me sit in it and get a picture. Pretty lame, huh? But a Dodge Viper is a nice car. :)
@nomad: i've seen pics of Mountain Dew and i would love to taste it...Hopefully now we have Vanilla coke here which rox your sox...How's pepsi vanilla???

@DWD: Viper is an awesome car, but it's not the best choice for those who take their first steps into the funny world of killing themselves in a car :p You're still 16, can you drive already??? I thought they had raised the age in the US to 18 again :err:
I've had VC. It's alright. Apparently the aussies are addicted to it too... at least that's what teh BBC tells me. Anyway, I don't think they may VP. I don't like it enough to even try to find it...

(hell, I don't remember seeing VC in Korea anyway).

Dream Theater -- Images and Words -- Learning to Live
/* random quote */
"He's just not the sharpest knife in the drawer. But that's what we get when Democrats run awful campaigns. Really, Democratic candidates should be more mindful of their responsibility to protect this country from their opponents."
-Michael Kimmitt
FatherVic said:
@DWD: Viper is an awesome car, but it's not the best choice for those who take their first steps into the funny world of killing themselves in a car :p You're still 16, can you drive already??? I thought they had raised the age in the US to 18 again :err:

Yeah, a Viper wouldn't be a good car to start out with. I love Mopars (Dodge/Plymouth). One day, I'll have a nice car. I don't have my license yet, but I have my permit, and I will get my license soon. And I never knew the age was at 18 for a license?
@nomad: you're travelling for work?? that means that you're travelling to get a job, working a bit and then moving on, or that your actual job makes you travel??? I think i'd die six weeks in Korea!!

@DWD: in Europe (most countries at least) the age to drive is 18 years old...but it's the same when it comes to alcohol...
ufff...but it has to be hard moving so much...away from home...or at least from A home...well I don't know some people love that sort of life...I like traveling but mainly without work being involved with it :p

anyway, have a nice time till you return :)
Of course it's much more fun to travel without having to work. But the opportunities are more limited. After my first stint in Korea, I took a trip to Taipei and Bali. The airfare to Taiwan ended up being free because it was cheaper for my company if I flied Seoul -> Taipei -> Chicago than Seoul -> Chicago. Then, the trip to Bali was $600 with airfare and hotel and what not. My guess, if I had done this from the states, it would be at least $2000.

Also, being based in a foreign land allows me to take small trips that I would never consider. I doubt I ever would have gone to Taiwan on my own, and I Definately would not have gone to some of the smaller cities like Kenting or Hualien.

As you said, the downside is not having a home and being far from friends and family. It's annoying, but I make new friends at each location, and I still keep in touch with old ones (and of course I visit when I swing through the home office).

Not having a home, well, I only graduated college 3 years ago, and in that time I never really had a home... just places I'd live in for a year or two. So that's no loss for me.

That having been said, I should get my ass back to work...

Evanescence -- Fallen -- My Last Breath
/* random quote */
"Forever shall the wolf in me
Desire the sheep in you"
-Nightwish "Beauty & the Beast"
yes, sure!!! it has its good and bad parts...i'm glad that at least your're having a cool time :)

btw: what do you do?? I mean what does your job consist of???

My company designs various sections of oil refineries and aromatics complexes. (Aromatics complexes mostly produce benzene, toluene, and para-xylene. The latter goes into polyesters.)

After a company buys our design, they build it, and people like me go out, make sure they built it to our specifications, and then help in starting it up and initial operations. We also have several guarantees relating to our design, so we are also there to run tests specified by our guarantees.