This is easy... And great.

Dec 30, 2002
Olympia WA
Everyone that I tell to download Vintersorg (I usually end up sending a few songs because they can't find any) and they love it and go pick up a CD. I am also getting people that do not listen to metal into metal with Vintersorg. Just thought I would share.
gah, wish ppl around here were as open-minded!! first off, almost all my friends like to think that all metal is satanic. Metal sung in swedish (ie Vintersorg) only seems to confirm that. in fact, they think any metal sung in other languages (usually finnish/swedish/norwegian etc) is either weird or hilarious...

yes, and i have to put up with them on a daily basis, but what can i say, i love 'em! ;)
I played a friend some Empiricism one night and he didn't seem to see anything special in it. When the chorus for The Genuine Pulse came in he was like "Wow somebody can sing" thinking it wasn't the same guy who does the harsh vocals :lol: oh well I guess maybe someday he will listen to something decent ;)
Soon everybody will understand the magnificence of Vintersorg and Borknagar....hehehehehe
yeah, when you do duet with Christina Aquillera then Vintersorg and Borkie became the greatest stars :p
@ insanity:
Know what you mean. And I even live in Sweden, but most of my friends (who are into metal) also think that metal sung in Swedish is hilarious...or they think Vintersorg is a racist...or they don´t really care...
But I´ve managed to find a few decent people ;)
i have yet to find any of my friends you can take any language other than English seriously :(

well then again...only 2 of my friends actually taken metal seriously anyway :p