Guess Who's Back!!!!!

Hey everyone!
I'm sort of back...
I´ve just moved to a new city and I'm currently using the computers at school. Some time in October, I will probably have ADSL and start to visit this forum more frequently
See ya!
Sweet, I found my three-year-old thread.

I wonder if anyone I used to know still posts here. If so, I've missed you guys.

And hello to all the new people! :rock:

hello to you too, i'm here from only some months and i've never seen you (and there's a lot of other old people i've never met on this forum since today)....anyway welcome back to everybody!!!!
I wouldn't even think about comparing Vintersorg to Children of Bodom, but if it wasn't for them, I would probably never have heard Vintersorg or gotten into the Metal that I like today. I joined Ultimate Metal for them, and then started looking into the other bands, and damn, am I ever glad I did.

Also, Children of Bodom has gone shitty. Their last good album was Hate Crew Deathroll, in my opinion.