Guidance band


Joe Hinkis
Apr 3, 2004
melbourne, Australia
I met Ilan "paradoxile", my old buddy's nephew, a few days ago.(he helped me find out about what happened to Resurrction-so I payed him a little visit.)

Anyway he was home waisted after an exam and he told me some things about this Israeli grunge band called "Guidance". after listening a little I decided to buy an album from him( he said he gets those albums directly from the band but i don't know). It was Cheap (only 40 NIS) so i said what the hell, and bought it, it would make a nice addition to my cd collection.

sorry for bulshitting, I'll get to the point.

I asked him, why are you telling me this?
and he said, because of the connection to Orphand Land.
he told me things like, the acoustic CD of the mabool was recorded at an Orphaned Land concert with Guidnace and that Eden plays in another band with Guidance bass player.

so shortly, it was kind of hard to believe all this(mostly because OL and Guidance play different genres).
so why not ask Orphaned Land themselves if the info is true and maybe you can tell me some more interesting things.
Hey Joe, what's up?

First of all, thanks for writing in our forum.

All paradoxile said is true: Guidance did support our accoustic act. Nadav (the bassist) is one of my best friends, and plays with me in Right On Time (my rock/jazz fusion quintet).

Further more, these guys are good personal friends of Orphand-Land... and I myself am a huge Guidance groupy... hehe!

Take care, and thanks for supporting!
Eden Rabin
what do you know?The little guy spoke the truth.Well I guess I need to appologize.

It's a little hard for me to comprehand the concept of playing in 2 bands.

welcome to the forum ,Eden, you hot shot keyboard player.

I'm in Melbourne again.
my guess is orphaned land are now in Turkey so kick ass